Comments on ID50

   Dear Peter, dear all 

     as said, the use case of distinguishing the type of Dataset/Distribution update makes sense to me, 
    e.g. when it comes to the decision whether to notify a its clients of "substantial" changes or not.  
    Within your  UC description there are samples of changes to content (deduplication) and Distribution 
    (compression), the latter not related to content, i.e. Dataset part. 

    Would you mind to generally consider "typology of change" applied to any DCAT resource (Catalog/Dataset/
    Distribution), where the "change to information content" is one of the change types? 

    Each type has to be further specified with regards to affected dimensions (only), e.g. cutting down 5 past years 
    of data series affects the temporal coverage resulting in a new coverage range (but not influencing the semantics).  
   We might consider subclassing prov:Activity to model and define some generic types of change, examples
   given by Prov-O document among others are: "processing", "transforming", "modifying", "relocating". 
   In case of  "altering" information content of Dataset we should define the conditions when this happens and
   on the contrary which Dataset updates do not lead to a change of this category.  
    Best regards
Jaroslav Pullmann
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT
User-Centered Ubiquitous Computing
Schloss Birlinghoven | D-53757 Sankt Augustin | Germany
Phone: +49-2241-143620 | Fax: +49-2241-142146 

Received on Monday, 4 September 2017 15:46:32 UTC