Re: Re: Comments on "Content Negotation by Profile" (30 April)

Dear Lars,

On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 11:49:12AM +0200, Lars Svensson wrote:
> > I always thought that the spirit of CONNEG was to be
> > liberal about may be used as a URI for content
> > negotiation (e.g., even, 
> From a conneg point of view, the profile URI can point
> to anything (including nothing, i. e. the profile URI
> can return 404). 

This is an important point with which I enthusiastically
agree.  For starters, profiles URIs _will_ inevitably
return 404s, increasingly over time, as resources are 
moved or become unavailable.

> In the IETF document we say that _if_ the profile URI
> is a protocol URI (http/https/ftp/sftp/...) it SHOULD

The judicious use of SHOULD here looks spot-on.

> A further possibility is to constrain
> this further and say that the profile URI SHOULD
> resolve to a profile description and that the server
> SHOULD use content negotiation (by profile) to serve
> the best available representation of the profile. The
> client can ask for a specific profile of the profile
> (e. g. a ShEx version) and then the server would return
> a ShEx document that can be used for validation. 

The first sentence refers to a "representation" of the
profile.  Do I correctly understand you to mean: "the
client can ask for a specific _representation_ of the
profile" (instead of "profile") and "a ShEx
_representation_" (instead of "version")?  


Tom Baker <>

Received on Friday, 23 August 2019 08:17:15 UTC