- From: Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 16:25:00 +0100
- To: public-dxwg-comments@w3.org
The minutes of today's meeting are at https://www.w3.org/2017/05/25-dxwg-minutes with a text snapshot below. Thanks to Ruben for scribing. Thank you to Ixchel, Jaroslav and Rob for offering to be our Use Cases and Requirements doc editors. The skeleton exists at https://w3c.github.io/dxwg/ucr/ There was agreement that we want to collect the first complete round of use cases by the end of June - so if you haven't already done so, please add yours at https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space Please read others' use cases before adding your own to minimise duplication. There were lots of volunteers to edit DCAT - which is very encouraging - but as today is a holiday in many European countries, we decided to hold off on appointing the final list until the next meeting which will be on *Monday 5 June* at 14:00 UTC. This is the new regular time. However, it is expected that the WG will split into several task forces and they will meet at different times to suit those WG members. Finally, please let us know whether you plan to come to the F2F in Oxford in July. See (and edit) https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Oxford_Attendance_and_logistics [1]W3C [1] https://www.w3.org/ Dataset Exchange Working Group Teleconference 25 May 2017 [2]Agenda [3]IRC log [2] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2017.05.25 [3] http://www.w3.org/2017/05/25-dxwg-irc Attendees Present achille_zappa, alejandra, AndreaPerego, annette_g, ByronCinNZ, Caroline, erics, fanieli, Jaroslav_Pullmann, Jean, kcoyle, LarsG, mathieu, newton, phila, PWinstanley, RiccardoAlbertoni, Rob Atkinson, RubenVerborgh, SimonCox Regrets Antoine, Colleen, Jacco, Kate, Luiz Chair Caroline Scribe Ruben Contents * [4]Meeting Minutes 1. [5]Approving Minutes 2. [6]Introductions 3. [7]Use cases 4. [8]start discussing DCAT 5. [9]F2F in Oxford, July 6. [10]setting the meeting time * [11]Summary of Resolutions Meeting Minutes <Alejandra> [12]https://www.w3.org/2017/05/18-dxwg-minutes [12] https://www.w3.org/2017/05/18-dxwg-minutes Approving Minutes Resolved: Last week's minutes approved Alejandra asks for what appears in the minutes <Caroline> [13]https://www.w3.org/wiki/IRC [13] https://www.w3.org/wiki/IRC phil: the queue system: if you want to speak, just type q+ <Alejandra> thanks! see [14]https://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html [14] https://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html and [15]https://www.w3.org/2002/03/RRSAgent [15] https://www.w3.org/2002/03/RRSAgent Introductions Jean: works at NIC.br, PhD student on topic of open data <Caroline> [16]https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/ Meetings:Telecon2017.05.25 [16] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2017.05.25 <Caroline> III. Use case task: Use Case Working Space: discussing the Use Cases addressed and defining the editors Use cases Alejandra: will there be a deadline for use cases? Caroline: it is flexible, but would be nice to have a deadline, so we can move on with the requirements Karen: let's not wait too long for use cases <PWinstanley> +1 to the idea of a month Let's set a deadline of a month? +1 for a month <Present_Thomas> +1 for me (a month) <Alejandra> +1 for a month <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1 to setting a deadline in one month <erics> +1 for 1 month <ByronCinNZ> +1 for a month <Jaroslav_Pullmann> +1 <Zakim> phila, you wanted to talk about iterations Karen: also, other work can go on in the background Phil: we could then have a first public working draft with use cases can still have updates then kcoyle: this also means we'd have complete use cases before the first F2F <roba> +1 <AndreaPerego> +1 Proposal: establish deadline for use cases <Present_Thomas> +1 <phila> PROPOSED: Use Cases to be collected by the end of June <AndreaPerego> +1 <newton> +1 <Alejandra> +1 <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1 <PWinstanley> +1 <Jaroslav_Pullmann> +1 <Caroline> +1 <ByronCinNZ> +1 <kcoyle> +1 <LarsG> +1 <erics> +1 <Present_Thomas> +1 <achille_zappa> +1 <annette_g> +1 Resolved: Use Cases to be collected by the end of June <SimonCox> +1 <roba> +1 <newton> phila: is explaining how the process works <newton> ... showing the minutes and explaining how the resolutions are recorded <newton> Caroline: suggest to define the editors of Use Cases <newton> fanieli: can be one of the editor of the UC doc <newton> Caroline: anyone else would like to be an editor with fanieli? <RubenVerborgh1> Phil: whichever document we're talking about, editing a document is a scary thing <PWinstanley> I will help in this <RubenVerborgh1> you may be put off by HTML and GitHub <RubenVerborgh1> but you will be helped <RubenVerborgh1> these technical things shouldn't stop you from being an editor <RubenVerborgh1> Alejandra: I want to edit one of the other documents <RubenVerborgh1> but how much time should I consider for that? <SimonCox> How long is a piece of string? <RubenVerborgh1> Phil: use cases document is probably one of the simplest <RubenVerborgh1> difficult thing is keeping track <RubenVerborgh1> but not a huge job <Alejandra> thanks :-) <RubenVerborgh1> time is hard to say, half a day a week until it is done maybe <SimonCox> Editing UC document: Largely about being organized in keeping lists and cross-references, and making things look a bit uniform <RubenVerborgh1> Eric: Should we have sample data for use cases? <Zakim> phila, you wanted to pick up on Eric's question <RubenVerborgh1> phila: yes, having real data in the use cases makes them much stronger, definitely encouraged <RubenVerborgh1> phila: definite +1 for real data <RubenVerborgh1> newton: Happy to help and contribute with GitHub and HTML <RubenVerborgh1> roba: Comment on the use cases: it's useful to distinguish between use cases and example scenarios differently <PWinstanley> I agree with roba that we need a canonical model for use cases <RubenVerborgh1> Jaroslav_Pullmann: documents important to know how current standards have to be changed <RubenVerborgh1> more than 20 use cases, very impressive <RubenVerborgh1> if more editors are needed, I can help <RubenVerborgh1> helps extract requirements <RubenVerborgh1> for new version of DCAT <RubenVerborgh1> Alejandra: In terms of documents, if we are working in parallel tracks? <RubenVerborgh1> …role of editors: are they the only ones modifying? <RubenVerborgh1> …others just make issues? <RubenVerborgh1> Caroline: everything we approve as group must be in the document <RubenVerborgh1> …that's the main role of the editor <RubenVerborgh1> kcoyle: I would suggest that Jaroslav_Pullmann and fanieli edit the document <erics> you can distinguish between editors and contributors <RubenVerborgh1> Caroline: we can have 3 editors as well <Alejandra> +1 for pull requests <RubenVerborgh1> roba: contributions can also be done through pull requests for editors <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1 to erics about distinguishing between editors and contributors as we did in other group <RubenVerborgh1> Caroline: other editors? <roba> will be happy to join as editor - can help with git <RubenVerborgh1> PROPOSED: Have Jaroslav_Pullmann and fanieli as editors <erics> +1 <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1 <Present_Thomas> +1 <annette_g> should probably say what they are editing <SimonCox> +1 <AndreaPerego> +1 <Present_Thomas> Three, I thought <Caroline> PROPOSED: Have Jaroslav_Pullmann, fanieli and roba as editors of the Use Cases document <AndreaPerego> +1 <ByronCinNZ> +1 <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1 <Jaroslav_Pullmann> +1 <mathieu> +1 <erics> +1 <roba> +1 <RubenVerborgh1> +1 <Caroline> +1 <LarsG> +1 <annette_g> +1 <SimonCox> +1 <achille_zappa> +1 <newton> +1 <RiccardoAlbertoni> s\t+1\+1 <PWinstanley> +1 <fanieli> +1 <RubenVerborgh1> roba: no need to vote on GitHub <Caroline> RESOVED: Have Jaroslav_Pullmann, fanieli and roba as editors of the Use Cases document Resolved: Have Jaroslav_Pullmann, fanieli and roba as editors of the Use Cases document <Caroline> IV. Starting discussing DCAT and defining the editors start discussing DCAT <RubenVerborgh1> Alejandra: I volunteer <PWinstanley> I will help <SimonCox> q <SimonCox> I will assist too <Present_Thomas> I can help also <mathieu> I can help too <RiccardoAlbertoni> i will help as contributor.. <RubenVerborgh1> kcoyle: Given that a number of people couldn't attend, maybe we shouldn't finalize this. <erics> oooh good point <achille_zappa> i think it would be better wait for missing people <mathieu> that's a good point <RubenVerborgh1> yeah, the short notice and the holiday are a bit unfortunate for major decisions <SimonCox> - good point Karen - though there will always be missing members (e.g. next week I will not be in the meeting) <annette_g> I think our charter says we have to do that <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1 to kcoyle about not finalising the list of editors.. <roba> ok by me <RubenVerborgh1> Caroline: shall we leave the decision open about use cases as well then? <AndreaPerego> +1 <achille_zappa> wait at least for DCAT <kcoyle> +1 <RubenVerborgh1> LarsG: let's set editors now for use cases, given short amount of time <Present_Thomas> +1 to wait for DCAT <Jaroslav_Pullmann> + <mathieu> +1 on waiting <RubenVerborgh1> PROPOSED: waiting a week for DCAT <Jaroslav_Pullmann> +1 <RubenVerborgh1> +1 <phila> +1 to wait a wewek <LarsG> +1 <Alejandra> +1 <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1 <Caroline> +1 <AndreaPerego> +1 <kcoyle> +1 <achille_zappa> +1 <annette_g> +1 <ByronCinNZ> +1 <PWinstanley> +1 or waiting Resolved: let's wait a week for DCAT <SimonCox> Is 'next week' monday? <erics> +1 it should be noted that this is for the editor vote <Caroline> V. Announcing the F2F at the University of Oxford on July 17-18 (see Oxford Attendance and logistics) <Alejandra> I think it is actually Monday F2F in Oxford, July <RubenVerborgh1> SimonCox: when are the next decisions made? next meeting is Monday, right? <annette_g> next Monday is too soon <RubenVerborgh1> SimonCox: tripping over ourselves with short notice and deadlines <mathieu> next monday is also bank holiday in England <RubenVerborgh1> Caroline: next Monday is too soon, let's decide not next Monday, but the one after that <erics> Monday June 5 <Present_Thomas> +1 on 5/6 <RubenVerborgh1> Is there a point in having a meeting at all next Monday? given short time in between <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1 to 5/6 <SimonCox> However - we have to be a bit careful about everyone's holidays ... THere will be a holiday most weeks in one place? <PWinstanley> +1 for June 6th <RubenVerborgh1> PROPOSED: deciding on editors on June 6th <erics> Monday/Tuesday <Caroline> PROPOSED: deciding on editors of DCAT on June 6th <RubenVerborgh1> 6th is Tuesday? totally confused… <annette_g> +1 <AndreaPerego> June, 6th, is Tuesday. <Alejandra> June 5th <SimonCox> June 5th is Monday <ByronCinNZ> +1 <annette_g> GMT <RubenVerborgh1> PROPOSED: deciding on editors of DCAT on June 5th 2PM UTC <RubenVerborgh1> aargh <erics> +1 <Jaroslav_Pullmann> +1 <mathieu> +1 <annette_g> +1 <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1 <Caroline> +1 <RubenVerborgh1> +1 <Present_Thomas> +1 <kcoyle> +1 <fanieli> +1 <newton> +1 <roba> +1 <LarsG> 0 (but as said it's a holiday) <SimonCox> Lets stick to date and time in UTC <SimonCox> +1 Resolved: deciding on editors of DCAT on June 5th 2PM UTC <RubenVerborgh1> Caroline: back to F2F now <annette_g> +1 to SimonCox <RubenVerborgh1> Alejandra: could be good to know ASAP how many people tend to attend, for size of room (25) <PWinstanley> I plan to attend <erics> Will remote attendees be supported? <Caroline> I plan to attend :) <RubenVerborgh1> Alejandra: sent around hotels <RubenVerborgh1> attendance doc: [17]https://www.w3.org/2017/ dxwg/wiki/Oxford_Attendance_and_logistics [17] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Oxford_Attendance_and_logistics <roba> would love to - but its a bit short notice for funding options. <RubenVerborgh1> Phil: remote attendees will be supported <erics> great, thank you! <RubenVerborgh1> fanieli: how will F2F be different then what we're doing from week to week? <RubenVerborgh1> Caroline: I see it as a marathon <RubenVerborgh1> …2 days, very intense, lot of work, great work <RubenVerborgh1> …still use IRC to document <RubenVerborgh1> …also hands-on, write down ideas <RubenVerborgh1> …discuss them, have as many resolutions as possible <RubenVerborgh1> …go deeper, profound about things <RubenVerborgh1> phila: meeting online is baffling until you get used to it <RubenVerborgh1> …in a F2F, two important things happen <RubenVerborgh1> …we get through a lot, intense discussion <RubenVerborgh1> …but also, "there's no such thing as a virtual beer" <Jaroslav_Pullmann> ;o) <Caroline> +1 to "there's no such thing as a virtual beer" :) <Present_Thomas> Lol <RubenVerborgh1> …when you get together, you interact socially as well as professionally <RubenVerborgh1> …group comes together much better after F2F <erics> It is well worth it if you can attend! I'd rather visit Oxford :-) <SimonCox> not just budget, also travel *time* which is large for some ... <Alejandra> thanks, yes, Caroline told me about this - I hope it should be fine <RubenVerborgh1> …satisfying and lot of fun <RubenVerborgh1> Caroline: we can always have F2F in other places setting the meeting time <Caroline> VI. Setting regular meeting time <RubenVerborgh1> Caroline: is always difficult <RubenVerborgh1> …but let's discuss with group, we can change <RubenVerborgh1> …It's a group discussion <RubenVerborgh1> …we'll now follow the Doodle <SimonCox> Doodle poll was clear. Monday 1400 <RubenVerborgh1> …if we decide to split in task forces, they can adjust <RubenVerborgh1> phila: if the group splits, which is likely, those subgroups can have their own times <phila> [18]UCR [18] https://w3c.github.io/dxwg/ucr/ <RubenVerborgh1> Phil: set up the skeleton <phila> RubenVerborgh1: Should the next meeting be on Monday on the week after that? <phila> ... Its' very short notice if it's this coming Monday <annette_g> didn't we just vote to wait a week? <RubenVerborgh1> Jaroslav_Pullmann: should agree on some progress <RubenVerborgh1> …are we going to merge the use cases out there? <RubenVerborgh1> kcoyle: yes, you end up editing them into a coherent document <roba> merge and group <RubenVerborgh1> …let's use Monday to actually talk about use cases <RubenVerborgh1> …possible that not every use case will end up there, because of duplication <SimonCox> Current use-cases - [19]https://www.w3.org/2017/ dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space [19] https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space <kcoyle> AndreaPerego: even though there is overlap, you may want to keep most of them, and group them by categories <RubenVerborgh1> Jaroslav_Pullmann: we should pertain the different areas that they are covering <kcoyle> andrea: contributors maybe should indicate which of their use cases overlap or relate to other use cases <Jaroslav_Pullmann> ok <RubenVerborgh1> phila: I would recommend to work out early on criteria for relevance of use cases <RubenVerborgh1> …will be edge cases, people will want this or that in <Caroline> +1 to work out early on criteria for relevance of use cases <RiccardoAlbertoni> it is probably useful to take a look to use cases document prepared in previous w3c working group just to get inspired. <RubenVerborgh1> …document those criteria, can save a lot of hassle <phila> Next Meeting Monday 5 June <Jaroslav_Pullmann> fine! <roba> +1 <SimonCox> bye bye <RubenVerborgh1> Caroline: keep discussions on e-mail by now <ByronCinNZ> Bye <newton> bye <Jaroslav_Pullmann> bye bye <annette_g> bye all! <Present_Thomas> Bye bye <achille_zappa> bye <LarsG> Thank you Caroline, By <mathieu> Bye <Alejandra> thank you! <Alejandra> bye <fanieli> bye <RiccardoAlbertoni> bye <AndreaPerego> Thanks and bye! <roba> bye Summary of Resolutions 1. [20]Last week's minutes approved 2. [21]Use Cases to be collected by the end of June 3. [22]Have Jaroslav_Pullmann, fanieli and roba as editors of the Use Cases document 4. [23]let's wait a week for DCAT 5. [24]deciding on editors of DCAT on June 5th 2PM UTC
Received on Thursday, 25 May 2017 15:25:04 UTC