
Dear all,

The good news is that we have received plenty of votes in favour of the 
DWBP doc going to Rec. The only comments received are along the lines of 
"you could say more about X" - which is surely true. "Leave 'em wanting 
more" is an old showbiz adage that seems appropriate :-)

Bernadette, Carol and Newton - you may want to add a sentence or two 
about this somewhere?

The next steps are for me to seek transition for the doc and work with 
the Comms team on promoting the work. To that end, I would be very 
grateful if members of the WG who are so minded could send me a quote 
that can be used in blogs posts and other dissemination efforts.

My target for publication of the Recommendation is Thursday 26th but I 
need to do a fair bit of preparation before then.




Phil Archer
Data Strategist, W3C

+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Monday, 16 January 2017 15:32:10 UTC