Re: DWBP is a W3C Recommendation

Hi everyone,

It's difficult to add anything to all this :-)

It was a great pleasure to meet and work with you all, and congrats for the awesome achievements!



On 31/01/17 19:41, Bart van Leeuwen wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> This piece of work is a landmark, I'm proud I was part of it, although not as active as I hoped to be when we started.
> Already we have used the DWBP in our work as 'the reference' on how to get data out on the web.
> Thanks to everybody who has put serious amounts of time and effort in this document.
> I can only hope that we can be part of a WG with these people once again.
> Met Vriendelijke Groet / With Kind Regards
> Bart van Leeuwen
> twitter: @semanticfire
> tel. +31(0)6-53182997
> Netage B.V.
> <>
> Esdoornstraat 3
> 3461ER Linschoten
> The Netherlands
> From: Phil Archer <>
> To: Public DWBP WG <>
> Date: 31-01-2017 14:21
> Subject: DWBP is a W3C Recommendation
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Take a bow ladies and gentlemen...
> The formal announcement has been sent to the members and the home page
> will be updated later in the day to point to the Rec (it'll be top news
> item - you might want to take a screenshot). I have also written a blog
> post at
> Please look out for tweets, make a noise, shout, promote etc.
> There have been times along this path when WG members have expressed
> their thanks to each other and sadness that the work is now done. I've
> not been ready to join in with that until now, i.e. now that both of the
> vocabularies are stable and the BP doc is published as a Recommendation.
> I am deeply grateful to the members of this WG. As I tried to say in
> Zagreb - your expertise and hard work makes each other look good and
> makes me look good. I know that those of us present were delighted to
> see so many references to the work while we were in Amsterdam recently.
> That's a sign that others have been and are watching, and that the work
> is useful. The quotes from Terence Eden and Jeremy Tandy included in the
> blog post are genuine and unprompted.
> It is the way of these things that it is the editors whose names are
> most frequently mentioned. That is right. The work that Antoine,
> Riccardo, Eric, Bernadette, Carol and Newton have done puts the rest of
> us in the shade. But we all know that it has been a group effort and the
> editors' hands have been guided by many voices.
> My own role is only possible with everyone else's effort which is why I
> am so humbled. If you'll allow me, there are three people I must thank
> by name: Hadley, Dee and Yaso. Their guidance and organisation has been
> essential to the group's success.
> What's Next?
> ============
> In terms of this WG, that's it. The group will be formally closed in the
> coming days, the mailing list made inactive (the archive persists) and
> the wiki frozen. If you want to make any edits to the wiki, do it now.
> As you know, I'm hoping to start a new WG on the topic of vocabularies,
> notably DCAT, coming out of the Amsterdam workshop. I'm supposed to have
> written the report by now - I'm working on it. I hope many of you will
> want to be in that WG.
> For DWBP, some have suggested that there's more to follow up on. I
> agree. The vehicle we have for that is the Community Group system so if
> you'd like to propose one, please do. See
> That would have its own (new) mailing list. I'm finding out whether such
> a group can still manage the Github repo or whether that too will be frozen.
> Again, a sincere and deeply felt thank you. It has been a privilege.
> Signing off from DWBP
> Phil
> --
> Phil Archer
> Data Strategist, W3C
> <>
> +44 (0)7887 767755
> @philarcher1

Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2017 07:33:49 UTC