This week's meeting cancelled and BP implementations


As many of the editors and chairs are AWOL in Lisbon this week (I hear 
the wolves got them...), we will postpone this Friday's call until next 
Friday 30th September.

We can discuss preparation for International Open Data Conference on the 
30th, and via email.

I would also like to make a suggestion to try and ramp up gathering of 
implementations. I think the evidences form is difficult to find.

Could we add a big green button (or something) to the top of the dwbp 
wiki, the dwbp CR doc, the w3c blog post and anywhere else we can think 
of, calling for

    'Show/tell/share us how you have used the Data on the Web Best

    'Showcase your use of Data on the Web Best Practices'

or something like that. A clear call for action, that someone can't help 
but press and follow the link :)

What do you think?

Deirdre Lee, CEO
Derilinx - Linked & Open Data Solutions
Address:  11/12 Baggot Court, Dublin 2, D02 F891
Tel:      +353 (0)1 254 4316
Mob:      +353 (0)87 417 2318
Twitter:  @deirdrelee

Received on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 12:30:21 UTC