[Call] Implementation of Data on the Web Best Practices WG (W3C)

Dear group,

as agreed in our last meeting, we kindly ask you to help promoting the 
Call for Implementation of Data on the Web Best Practices WG. There is a 
text on the Wiki with the Template to send the DWBP Evidences Form [1]. 
In the end there is the spreadsheet to be filled with the List of 
Institutions and Contacts of the sent emails [2].

If you are also a publisher, please fill in the form with your evidences 
[3] until September 26.

Don't hesitate getting in touch with us (by email, Skype or sending any 
smoke sign!) if you have any doubt.

Thank you very much!!

Kind regards,
BP Editors

[1] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Dwbp-LC-implementationreport
[3] http://w3c.br/form-dwbp/

Received on Tuesday, 13 September 2016 17:48:36 UTC