[Minutes] 2016-03-02

The minutes of today's SDW call are at 

The meeting was joined by several members of the DWBP WG to discuss the 
overlap and relationship between the two BP documents. Thanks to DWBP 
folks for joining the call today.

For SDW - note that next week is the sub group week. The BP call will be 
at 15:00 UTC on Wednesday. Other SGs TBA. As a result there is *no call* 
at the usual time next week.

The usual snapshot of today's minutes is below.

           Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference

02 Mar 2016


       [2] https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160302

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2016/03/02-sdw-irc


           ScottSimmons, kerry, ClausStadler, newton, robin,
           aharth, RaulGarciaCastro, LarsG, phila,
           BernadetteLoscio, BartvanLeeuwen, billroberts,
           ChrisLittle, Linda, laufer, AndreaPerego, annette_g,

           Payam, Jeremy, Frans, Lewis, Rachel, Ed, Danh, Clemens,


           phila, billroberts


      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Patent Call
          2. [6]Sub-group meeting schedule
          3. [7]CEO-LD meeting
          4. [8]Feedback from Data on the Web Best Practices
          5. [9]next meetings
      * [10]Summary of Action Items
      * [11]Summary of Resolutions

    <kerry> regrets Jeremy, Frans, Lewis, Rachel, Ed, Danh,
    Clemens, Simon

    <kerry> regrets Jeremy, Frans, Lewis, Rachel, Ed, Danh,
    Clemens, Simon

    <phila> [12]The new look BP doc

      [12] http://w3c.github.io/sdw/bp/

    <Linda> Linda+

    <laufer> hello all

    <laufer> please, could anybody tell me the webex password?

    <ChrisLittle> v4qtEh56

    <phila> scribe: phila

    <scribe> scribeNick: phila

    <laufer> thank you

    Topic Last week's minutes

    <kerry> [13]https://www.w3.org/2016/02/24-sdw-minutes.html

      [13] https://www.w3.org/2016/02/24-sdw-minutes.html

    <Linda> +1

    <kerry> +1

    PROPOSED: Accept last week's minutes

    <RaulGarciaCastro> +1

    <robin> +1

    <AndreaPerego> +1

    <ChrisLittle> +1

    <ClausStadler> +1

    <billroberts> +1

    +0 (absent)

    RESOLUTION: Accept last week's minutes

Patent Call

    <kerry> [14]https://www.w3.org/2016/02/24-sdw-minutes.html

      [14] https://www.w3.org/2016/02/24-sdw-minutes.html


      [15] https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call

Sub-group meeting schedule

    kerry: I believe BP set a date for their calls

    Linda: Wednesdays at 15:00 UTC

    <scribe> ACTION: phila to set up WebEx for the BP task force
    call [recorded in

      [16] http://www.w3.org/2016/03/02-sdw-minutes.html#action01]

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-147 - Set up webex for the bp task
    force call [on Phil Archer - due 2016-03-09].

    kerry: Is that every week or just when we're not doing the
    joint meeetings
    ... There will be agendas adn minutes

    <robin> Thanks Phila, I have finished the registration.

    kerry: Coverages was getting close - billroberts?

    billroberts: Yes, we haven't fixed it yet. I've got some
    responses that I'll summarise tomorrow.
    ... Main problem is that we have people in both China, Aus, USA
    and Europe... so it means *someone" is bound to miss out. May
    need to alternate times
    ... Current plan is to propose an alternating time

    kerry: I recommend against that, you have alternating times and
    alternating weeks, that's hard

    billroberts: The alternative is to tell someone they can't take
    ... We'll go on continents

    kerry: If I can't join, I can't join
    ... try and get the editors there - they're the most critical.
    ... Having said that, we have the same problem with SSN
    ... How's time going.

    ChrisLittle: I failed to e-mail Simon to get the first slot. I
    haven't thought much as I'm rushing off to Washington shortly

    kerry: SSN Doodle poll still to be filled in by some gfolks,
    including an editor

    <kerry> SSN may be Th 8pm UTC

    kerry: Please fill in the Doodle poll as soon as possible.
    Please be generous with your availability - 3 slots may not be
    ... Plan is that all those meetings take place next week so
    there won't be a call at this time next week.

    phila: So this call only happens every 2 weeks now so that the
    other TFs can meet in between.

CEO-LD meeting

    <billroberts> yep

    <billroberts> scribenick:billroberts

    <kerry> scribe: billroberts

    jtandy, billroberts, denise mackenzie, maik reichert visited
    Beijing to discuss CEO-LD

    'Coverages and earth observations in linked data'

    a small amount of funding from the UK government to prmote
    UK-China collaboration to allow meetings to take place

    University of Reading (Jon Blower and Maik Reichert) have done
    some very promising work on representing coverage data in JSON

    <ChrisLittle> * jeremy now going to Korea

    The meeting led to 3 Chinese organisations to commit to
    developing demos with reprsenting coverage in JSON

    the resulting data can be presented in the browser using
    prototype software from U of Reading

    We made good progress

    kerry: has a group of final year software engineering students
    interested in working in this space
    ... they are just getting started this week.
    ... is very keen to participate in coverage calls and to keep
    in close touch, in order to liaise with the students and make
    best use of their time, skills and enthusiasm
    ... planning to use the DGGS

    so backend might be different to that used by Reading

    phila: will keep kerry informed on outputs from CEO-LD. There
    are things the students could do which would be very helpful

    kerry: has asked the students to look at RDF Data Cube, which
    would be quite a different approach to that used by Reading

    phila: note that the RDF Data Cube approach is very verbose so
    may not work for large coverage data
    ... want to take the RDF Data Cube's notion of pre-defined
    slices to help with subsetting of coverage data. Should be
    fairly easy particularly for gridded data

    chrislittle: has discussed this with jtandy and will raise it
    with OGC next week. Will raise in WCS SWG
    ... data cube may need enhancing. A 'slice' could be too much.
    Actually want a 'dice'.
    ... can request an n-dimensional 'tile'
    ... have started looking at it but not got very far yet

    phila: that's it for the Beijing meeting

    <phila> scribe: phila

    <kerry> scribe: phila

    <scribe> scribeNick: phila

Feedback from Data on the Web Best Practices

    kerry: Thanks to the members of that WG for joining us

    <laufer> and me...

    <BernadetteLoscio> thank you!

    And laufer

    <BernadetteLoscio> and Newton

    kerry: Can you lead this bit Linda?

    Linda: Not too prepared but I can step in...

    Linda: I was looking through the minutes from last time. The
    topics that we wanted to discuss more were mostly around APIs
    ... What to write about that and maybe also something about the
    ... And there was something more about identifiers, but I'm not
    sure why.
    ... I'd like to hear from DWBP on these

    BernadetteLoscio: ... WE had some discussions about APIs and
    made some changes in the GH doc


      [17] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#dataAccess

    BernadetteLoscio: One of our worries is the intesection between
    the BPs.

    <newton> [18]http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#documentYourAPI

      [18] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#documentYourAPI

    BernadetteLoscio: No 25 says document your APIs which is
    related to SDW 29 that says APIs should be self decribing
    ... They seem to be more generic, so we were thinking - if the
    BP that we have is enough for you, or what change should we
    ... Or should we add a new one to incorprate your needs
    ... Our 26 is similar to your 28

    Linda: Looking
    ... Our 28 says you should have a convenience API that allows
    users to ask basic questions - make simple queries
    ... because APIs tailored to a simple goal

    BernadetteLoscio: I think we don't have this kind of detail

    <annette_g> no , we don't have that in dwbp

    BernadetteLoscio: What we were discussing, for e.g., this
    notion of data granularity isn't clear for us. Is that the same
    as subsetting data?

    Linda: Yes, making a subset of the data

    BernadetteLoscio: How do you see this?

    <annette_g> *the line is noisy

    Linda: I think that some of the content that we have in SDW on
    APIs is more detailed. It's up to you how much of our content
    you'd like to use.
    ... I know that JT offered to work with you on that

    <annette_g> *it's better now

    <ChrisLittle> * the panting dog is back on audio

    annette_g: There are some things that we're thinking about
    changing in DWBP. Maybe we can make those changes and then let
    you know
    ... Then SDW can decide whether you want to keep it.
    ... We looked at your self documentation info. We might say
    that self-documenting is a way to do that.
    ... And we may offer something on subsetting
    ... We can make those changes and then you can take a look

    Linda: That sounds like a good approach to me
    ... If you make some changes, then please let us know,
    especially Jeremy, Payam and me
    ... If you're adding more content on APIs then we can lose some
    of ours

    <annette_g> *I don't hear any sound

    BernadetteLoscio: I talked about the identifiers section at the
    end of the meeting
    ... I was reading the SDW doc. You have some BPs for
    identifiers that are similar or that cover things that we don't
    ... And I was wondering ... what I'm worried about is that we
    have BPs that are similar in 2 different documents. Maybe we're
    going to have a common audience
    ... I think for e.g. you have BP1 on gloablly unique
    identifiers and we have BP11 on persistent IDs for datasets. We
    don't have anything like your BP2
    ... So is there a way for us to refer to your doc? Can we
    cooperate more closely?
    ... For e.g. BP2 is not specifically spatial

    <newton> (we are without numbering in our BPs for while, so,
    for now, its easier to see the index on this page:
    [19]http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp-status.html )

      [19] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp-status.html

    Linda: What we tried to do in SDW is that it's an extension of
    ... We want to avoid having similar BPs.
    ... What we have is a first draft. There are thing there that I
    don't think are specifically spatial, so if we can move some of
    our BPs to your doc, that makes sense to me

    BernadetteLoscio: Thank you

    Linda: Then we'd have to discuss which ones.

    BernadetteLoscio: I think we have to have this discussion in
    our WG too of course. It woujld be good to align them.
    ... We discussed this in our WG - how our BPs can be extended
    in specific domains anda SDW will be one of those.

    Linda: That's interesting as we're alreadyt doing and we can
    describe how to do it.#
    ... So at the moment, when we think there's an overlap, we make
    a reference to you

    annette_g: I was just going to say that SDW has used
    references, that's fine - I don't think we need to do anything
    special with that

    BernadetteLoscio: I was saying that the idea of using
    references is all right but they have some BPs that we don't
    haev but that maybe we shuold have

    annette_g: +1

    BernadetteLoscio: The ones they have should be more specific

    annette_g: Sounds like everyone agrees with that

    <Zakim> phila, you wanted to makea boring process comment

    <BernadetteLoscio> ok... i understand


    Talked about need for implementation evidnce requirements in
    DWBP and the fact that SDW is a joint Wg with OGC which *may*
    have an effect - certaunly we need to be aware of it if moving

    BernadetteLoscio: Did you find a gap in our doc about linking

    Linda: hard for me to answer as Jeremy wrote that. It says that
    it extends your BP. It talks about linking at data level, you
    ytalk about dataset level

    phila: That sounds like the BP I wrote needs more work

    BernadetteLoscio: Not sure we havae one about link creation

    <scribe> ACTION: phila To look at data item linking cf SDW BP
    on this topic and see if more needs to be done [recorded in

      [20] http://www.w3.org/2016/03/02-sdw-minutes.html#action02]

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-148 - Look at data item linking cf
    sdw bp on this topic and see if more needs to be done [on Phil
    Archer - due 2016-03-09].

    BernadetteLoscio: We dodn't talk about links because we dodn't
    want to be biased to RDF

    annette_g: Were SDW thinking about hypermedia APIs for that or
    something else?

    Linda: I don't have that in my mind

    ChrisLittle: A lot of spatial data is complex, lots of objects
    in a box anbd you want to pick those out. That's not really

    annette_g: We've been adding a little more about hypermedia
    APIs and we are trying to say mnore about that

    ChrisLittle: I don't think we've talked about streaming at all.
    If we do then we would get into hypermedia

    annette_g: Our discussion isn't about streaming, it's about an
    API that returns links as well as data

    kerry: There was one more topic that, about data quality. Is
    there sometehign we can do about that. Do we need anotehr

    BernadetteLoscio: I think it's better to meet about that
    separately with those editors (who aren't here)

    Linda: I could get involved with that. We have to make some
    recommendations about precision and accuracy and I think the
    DQV could help us with that.

    <scribe> ACTION: phila to put Linda in touch with Antoine and
    Riccardo [recorded in

      [21] http://www.w3.org/2016/03/02-sdw-minutes.html#action03]

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-149 - Put linda in touch with antoine
    and riccardo [on Phil Archer - due 2016-03-09].

next meetings

    kerry: No joint meeting next week, but the sub groups should
    ... Ed and I will try and join those calls
    ... We can use this IRC channel and the agendas and minutes can
    go in the same system as we use for the group.
    ... The meetings are open to all, they're just specialised to

    <ChrisLittle> +1 to kerry re minutes irc etc

    kerry: Any more comments?

    <ChrisLittle> bye

    <billroberts> ok thanks, bye

    <annette_g> bye, and thanks!

    <RaulGarciaCastro> bye

    kerry: Then that will do for now.

    <LarsG> bye and thanks

    <Linda> bye

    kerry: Thanks to DWBP folks for coming

    <robin> bye

    <laufer> bye

    <newton> bye, thanks

    <BernadetteLoscio> bye, thanks

    BernadetteLoscio: Pleasure to be here thanks for having us

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: phila to put Linda in touch with Antoine and
    Riccardo [recorded in
    [NEW] ACTION: phila to set up WebEx for the BP task force call
    [recorded in

      [22] http://www.w3.org/2016/03/02-sdw-minutes.html#action03
      [23] http://www.w3.org/2016/03/02-sdw-minutes.html#action01

    [DONE] ACTION: phila To look at data item linking cf SDW BP on
    this topic and see if more needs to be [recorded in

      [24] http://www.w3.org/2016/03/02-sdw-minutes.html#action02

Summary of Resolutions

     1. [25]Accept last week's minutes

    [End of minutes]

Received on Wednesday, 2 March 2016 21:18:37 UTC