[Minutes] 2016-06-10

The minutes of today's meeting are at 
https://www.w3.org/2016/06/10-dwbp-minutes with a snapshot below.

The time line now is:
- comments to be dealt with next week should lead to the BP doc actually 
being complete by next Friday.
- Likely vote on Friday 24 to seek transition to Candidate Rec.
- Which should just give us time to gather our implementation evidence 
by the end of July which is when our charter expires.

Separately, I mentioned the upcoming workshop on metadata and related 
technologies, Amsterdam 30 Nov - 1 Dec. See 
https://www.w3.org/2016/11/sdsvoc/ for details.


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

       Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference

10 Jun 2016


       [2] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160610

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2016/06/10-dwbp-irc


           newton, PWinstanley, annette_g, deirdrelee, Caroline_,
           phila, antoine, EricKauz, ericstephan,
           riccardoalbertoni, BartvanLeeuwen, laufer

           makx, Hadley, Bernadette, yaso




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]JSON/LD BP
          2. [6]Comments received for BP doc
      * [7]Summary of Action Items
      * [8]Summary of Resolutions

    <deirdrelee> trackbot, start meeting

    <trackbot> Meeting: Data on the Web Best Practices Working
    Group Teleconference

    <trackbot> Date: 10 June 2016

    <phila> chair: Deirdre

    <phila> agenda:

       [9] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160610

    <hadleybeeman> I'm sending regrets; am caught in meetingsā€¦
    sorry all! Miss you!

    <deirdrelee> PROPOSED Approve last week's minutes

      [10] https://www.w3.org/2016/06/03-dwbp-minutes

    <newton> +1

    <deirdrelee> 0

    <antoine> +1

    <annette_g> +1

    <riccardoalbertoni> 0

    <Caroline_> 0

    <phila> +0 WASN'T THERE

    RESOLUTION: Approve last week's minutes

      [11] https://www.w3.org/2016/06/03-dwbp-minutes

    <deirdrelee> agenda:

      [12] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160610

    <phila> scribe: PWinstanley

    <phila> scribeNick: PWinstanley

    <annette_g> is anyone talking?

    <Caroline_> now deirdrelee is talking it is much better :)

    <annette_g> better!

    each of the editors to comment on the feedback they have
    received already as we're coming to the end of the timeperiod



    Caroline_: main thing about the comments is the status wiki -
    started discussing #6 on the last call. and today we'd like to
    cover #7 and #8

    The overall level of comments is good, but there are not many -
    hope that there will be more in the final few days

    There are still some comments received that have to be added to
    the wiki

    <newton> this week we delivered a presentation about DWBP and
    we invited a lot of people to give feedback

    ericstephan: A colleague was interested in providing comments -
    I will follow up to ensure that they are received in time

    Caroline_: deadline is Sunday at 12:00

    ericstephan: No comments on DUV. I have been trying to respond
    to comments I mentioned last week

    antoine: we received internal comments from Jeremie and Makx.
    we are still discussing them. there are no comments from
    outside -

    deirdrelee: should we be tracking the internal ones?

    phila: doesn't do any harm - if possible do it, but it is not

    antoine: do comments from the group need to be formally

    phila: it needs to be recorded

    antoine: can editors raise issues using the issue tracker?

    phila: yes
    ... Makx's comment - that both vocabs have contributed to the
    open annotation work, is needing work to ensure that the
    references are still valid

    riccardoalbertoni: my understanding is that we are referring to
    the right docs of the open annotation group, but the namespace
    is the old one - and I think they are going to use this for the
    new work. This is a reasonable assumption because the new doc
    doesn't refer to any change of namespace

    <newton> q

    newton: re: JSON/LD BP - based on a comment that came in.


    the comment is not on the table - but to a message I got a
    couple of weeks ago

    <annette_g> it's not a comment about one of our docs, right?

    <Caroline_> We will forward to the public list and include it
    on the Wiki table


    <phila> [15]This documnet


    newton: the message came directly, not on the public list. the
    message asked if it was appropriate for the group to publish bp
    about json-ld APIs

    deirdrelee: It seems a bit inappropriate because we have not
    had time to consider it within the BP work

    phila: we have less than 2 months to go before the charter

    <Zakim> phila, you wanted to say no

    phila: this group has too much work to include this work by
    Greg. he can make a member submission. There may be a home in

    <Caroline_> I forward Greg's message to the group

    <ericstephan> There seem to be a general need for best
    practices like this in the W3C its beyond the scope of the

    annette_g: I agree with phila . We could have a list of work to
    take forward, but if we were to take it on we would need to add
    expertise to the group

    <Caroline_> +1 to Annette's suggestion to put it on the whish

    newton: bernadette, Caroline_ and I agree that although we like
    the approach we cannot take this on and will write to Greg to
    tell him this
    ... there will be a group starting if people want to join

    <ericstephan> +1 to newton

Comments received for BP doc

    Caroline_: the data access (#6) - has been discussed a little
    already but we don't have a resolution yet



    Caroline_: the discussion was only preliminary

    phila: ... looking at andrea's email - he makes a valid point
    and gives us an easy method to work with this. People wanting
    registration just want to track usage. Andrea's extension to
    the existing BP looks manageable to me, it is something that
    we've not covered
    ... providing a mechanism to collect data using the DUV is an
    alternative/better solution
    ... so we can act on what Andrea is saying

    <phila> issue-153?

    <trackbot> issue-153 -- Should open/closed data be addressed in
    the Data Usage Vocabulary? -- open

    <trackbot> [17]http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/issues/153

      [17] http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/issues/153

    ericstephan: I agree with phila / looking again at the
    open/closed data issue, whatever we do needs to be coordinated
    - there needs to be just one message

    <ericstephan> Privacy interest group report "Do not track"...

      [18] https://www.w3.org/2012/dnt-ws/report.html

    <ericstephan> I'm hearing wind or breathing

    <annette_g> could somebody mute? I hear breathing

    <laufer> the important thing is to say in our document that a
    publisher has to say to the user what she will do will data
    that is collected

    <laufer> thing*

    newton: this week we talked with Dr ??? from RJ who works for a
    Swedish co. that made a portal of data collected from public

    <annette_g> +1 to Laufer

    newton: there is data enrichments and then made available via
    APIs that need registration.

    <Caroline_> s/thing*

    newton: it is not a good thing for open data, but it is how the
    world is

    <laufer> I suggest to put a paragrah in the data access

    <ericstephan> +1 deirdrelee

    deirdrelee: we agree with Andrea's comment - we should
    acknowledge it and provide some guidance - a few sentences in
    BP #23 should be sufficient

    <annette_g> +1 deirdrelee

    <laufer> Ok

    <laufer> I prefer a paragraph in the introduction and not in
    the BP

    Caroline_: maybe we can make a proposal following laufer
    suggestion (which we couldn't hear clearly enough to scribe, so
    laufer is going to write it)

    <laufer> what do you think about?

    <ericstephan> +1 deirdrelee in the bp

    <laufer> because the BP is about an explanation of data that it
    is not avaiable...

    <annette_g> +1 to having it in the BP

    <phila> ACTION: caroline to reply to Andrea to say that we'll
    include his suggestion to talk about registration and will
    refer to the DUV as an alternative route. Always important to
    say what will be done with the registration data [recorded in

      [19] http://www.w3.org/2016/06/10-dwbp-minutes.html#action01]

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-284 - Reply to andrea to say that
    we'll include his suggestion to talk about registration and
    will refer to the duv as an alternative route. always important
    to say what will be done with the registration data [on
    Caroline Burle - due 2016-06-17].

    deirdrelee: people will dip in and out of the document, so
    guidance should be in the BP rather than the introduction

    newton: in the BP

    <laufer> But this is not data that is not available

    <phila> +1 to putting it in a BP

    <annette_g> well, it's not available to unregistered people

    <laufer> I do not know why to include in this bp

    <laufer> I think that if it is not a BP we did not to test this

    deirdrelee: the DUV describes this very well, so we don't want
    to repeat

    Caroline_: we could link to the DUV

    <ericstephan> That would be great Caroline_

    <laufer> This could be a kind of politics of the publisher...

    <laufer> I thisk is more linked to a kind of license

    deirdrelee: laufer will write a para that will go into the BP

    <laufer> think*

    <laufer> I will write the paragraph

    <annette_g> It is BP22, not 23

    <laufer> then we decide where to put it

    <laufer> ok

    Caroline_: comment #7 about numerical data



    <laufer> I will write the paragraph and send by email to the

    Caroline_: it is to do with inappropriate precision

    phila: we have talked about this some times previously.

    <laufer> yes, phil... it is not data on the web specific

    annette_g: I had thought of this early on, but it is not
    specific to the web, so I think it is out of scope

    BartvanLeeuwen: I know we talked about it previously and
    thought it was resolved as being out of scope

    deirdrelee: we will review earlier meetings, find the
    resolution agreed and respond to Frans



    Caroline_: #8, enrichment
    ... from David.

    <Zakim> BartvanLeeuwen, you wanted to pronounce name correctly

    annette_g: the best way to think about this is David's example
    of precalculated data, accepting requests to do calculations.
    The requests are quantifiable. The data set accretes as missing
    values are added after people reaslise that they are missing.
    ... David recognises that the addition is driven by user need

    phila: seems to me that the key thing is provenance, but it
    looks as though David is extending this a bit

    deirdrelee: we should update the BP?

    annette_g: seems reasonable to add a sentence about it

    Caroline_: I think it is OK
    ... we can do that. annette_g to write, or me?

    annette_g: if you are clear about it then just go ahead

    Caroline_: could you do it annette_g



    Caroline_: I included a link for the implementation grid.

    <phila> [23]Agenda

      [23] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160610



    Caroline_: we started the form to have a better idea about what
    we are going to do with the questionnaire for the
    implementation report. We want to make it easy for those
    testing the BP. We talked last time about who would be the

    <newton> We transposed the table into this form in order to
    make easier for implementors to answer

    Caroline_: the test area would be a portal. we would appreciate
    feedback from the group on the form - is it easy to use?

    deirdrelee: reference to evidence is only a dataset or portal,
    not a policy or guideline?

    <annette_g> don't forget to replace the X with a number in the

    newton: policy is a good thing, but not evidence of

    <newton> we'll annette_g :-)

    <laufer> it is an evidence om implementation of our document...

    <newton> if you have sofe time, could you give a feedback about
    the form or suggest modifications if you think it's necessary

    deirdrelee: timeframe - what dates are we working to for this?
    we are only operating until the end of July

    phila: do we have a sense of who we think will be able to
    provide evidence of implementation? if we do that's good. Can
    we in advance identify any BP that we feel/know we are not
    going to get >=2 implementations for. The chances of us
    finishing CR by end July are tiny
    ... we need to push for more reviews. We need to arrange a
    transition call with the Director (will take 2/52) We need to
    show we're making progress. We need to move before the summer

    <annette_g> summer is already in effect in Berkeley

    phila: in reality we're not going to finish CR untill
    September. We need to have evidence of progress to take to the
    Director and ask for an extension

    <Zakim> Caroline_, you wanted to talk about candidates to

    Caroline_: we have been talking to many people in Brasil - I
    feel that if we finish the form we can do a lot of work next
    ... do we have to have the implementation period completed
    before we go to CR?

    phila: CR is when there is proof of implementation. If we can
    identify the problem areas then we mark 'at risk' - if we don't
    then if we get to CR without the 2 pieces of proof then we are
    back to working draft
    ... but if we mark 'at risk' then we can still proceed

    Caroline_: each BP has to be tested by 2 organisations or 2
    data sets?

    phila: we need 2 independent organisations to have proof

    ericstephan: I was at Provenance Week last week and I think I
    can find potential implementers from that. When we are going
    through it is yes/no or some qualitative estimation of how well
    it was done?

    phila: newton has a yes/no approach but some qualitative
    comment would be a good addition

    deirdrelee: I think this is do-able before July. All issues and
    actions closed by next Friday. Review the form and the BPs for
    any "at risk". Next friday we vote to go into transition
    ... vote to CR on 24th and we have a month to gather
    implementations. Discuss/resolve issues on the mailing list

    <ericstephan> go deirdrelee go!

    Caroline_: any news about IODC?

    <annette_g> the form will need to offer a N/A option, in case
    someone says false by accident and then can't change back to

    deirdrelee: nothing official.

    <phila> [25]the next WG starts here

      [25] https://www.w3.org/2016/11/sdsvoc/

    deirdrelee: I will write to the list the actions

    phila: link to a workshop at the end of November - opportunity
    to start a new working group

    <ericstephan> wow that looks really great

    phila: research data is very much in the frame

    <annette_g> science!!

    <ericstephan> I will start swimming now!

    phila: let me konw if you're interested in joining the PC

    <riccardoalbertoni> count on me too

    <laufer> bye all

    deirdrelee: thanks - end of meeting

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: caroline to reply to Andrea to say that we'll
    include his suggestion to talk about registration and will
    refer to the DUV as an alternative route. Always important to
    say what will be done with the registration data [recorded in

      [26] http://www.w3.org/2016/06/10-dwbp-minutes.html#action01

Summary of Resolutions

     1. [27]Approve last week's minutes

    [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 10 June 2016 14:13:37 UTC