Re: Post-mortem comment on ISSUE-179 - using DCAT namespace or not

Hi all,

Sounds good. I don't think this is something we need to vote on, because 
it was already discussed and decided last October.

However maybe mention it in tomorrow's call, in case anyone has an 
objection they would like to voice (and missed the emails :) )


On 25/01/2016 20:43, Eric Stephan wrote:
> +1 sounds appropriate to me.   If the wg chairs feel that need a vote, 
> I propose we do this via email.
> Eric S
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 25, 2016, at 5:18 AM, Riccardo Albertoni 
> < <>> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> It seems to me that we have already taken a decision on that, a 
>> decision on which I fully agree ..   so
>> +1 to have  namespaces separated from DCAT and to delete the related 
>> note on dqv document.
>> Cheers,
>> Riccardo
>> On 22 January 2016 at 23:15, Eric Stephan < 
>> <>> wrote:
>>     To establish a bit of a timeline, last October there was a very
>>     small contingency of folks including Antoine and myself on the
>>     October 16 WG call.  I don't believe it was a formal meeting that
>>     day and there wasn't a vote, but here [1] is the last discussion
>>     we had about not using DCAT as a namespace, from what I can tell.
>>     Thanks,
>>     Eric S
>>     Reference
>>     [1]
>>     On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 8:56 AM, Phil Archer <
>>     <>> wrote:
>>         Thanks Antoine,
>>         My understanding is that the WG resolved not to use the DCAT
>>         namespace for either vocabulary. I'd have difficulty finding
>>         the resolution itself but that is my clear memory. The
>>         rationale being that people didn't like having terms in a
>>         single namespace being defined in multiple documents.
>>         If others have a different recollection, then of course I am
>>         ready to be corrected.
>>         Phil.
>>         On 22/01/2016 16:34, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>>             Hi everyone,
>>             We didn't really conclude on my questions today, so I'm
>>             going to write
>>             it down in an email, also to share with everyone else.
>>             During the last F2F we discussed whether DQV and DUV
>>             should introduce
>>             their elements in the DCAT namespace or their own. There
>>             was an issue,
>>             197, raised for it [1].
>>             The resolution then was that "DUV begins to use the DCAT
>>             namespace, DQV
>>             does not, but that both highlight this as an open issue
>>             that will lead
>>             to a common way forward in future." [2]
>>             Month after, DQV has a note about this:
>>             [
>>             The Working Group is considering putting all new classes
>>             and properties
>>             defined in the DWBP Vocabularies in the DCAT namespace.
>>             As an attempt to
>>             stimulate reactions which might help in taking a
>>             decision, the Dataset
>>             Usage Vocabulary will be moved under the DCAT namespace.
>>             In case of
>>             positive reactions to the DUV choice, the data quality
>>             vocabulary might
>>             consider to go in the same direction.
>>             ] [3]
>>             But DUV went its own way and created its own namespace.
>>             I believe that it's not a big problem. The discussion
>>             since then, and
>>             the decision we made to publish DQV and DUV as notes (as
>>             opposed to
>>             Recommendations) comfirms that we should have our own
>>             namespaces.
>>             Still I prefer to ask everyone if:
>>             - it's ok that we remove the note about ISSUE-179 in DQV
>>             - we record a new resolution for ISSUE-179.
>>             Any objection before I do this next week?
>>             Cheers,
>>             Antoine
>>             [1]
>>             [2]
>>             [3]
>>         -- 
>>         Phil Archer
>>         W3C Data Activity Lead
>>         +44 (0)7887 767755 <tel:%2B44%20%280%297887%20767755>
>>         @philarcher1
>>     -- 
>>     This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by
>>     *E.F.A. Project* <>, and is believed to
>>     be clean. 
>> -- 
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Riccardo Albertoni
>> Istituto per la Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche 
>> "Enrico Magenes"
>> Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
>> via de Marini 6 - 16149 GENOVA - ITALIA
>> tel. +39-010-6475624 - fax +39-010-6475660
>> e-mail: 
>> <>
>> Skype: callto://riccardoalbertoni/
>> LinkedIn:
>> www:
>> FOAF:

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Received on Thursday, 28 January 2016 09:46:07 UTC