Re: Post-mortem comment on ISSUE-179 - using DCAT namespace or not

+ 1! I also agree with Eric!


2016-01-25 21:43 GMT+01:00 Eric Stephan <>:

> +1 sounds appropriate to me.   If the wg chairs feel that need a vote, I
> propose we do this via email.
> Eric S
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 25, 2016, at 5:18 AM, Riccardo Albertoni <>
> wrote:
> Dear All,
> It seems to me that we have already taken a decision on that, a decision
> on which I fully agree ..   so
> +1 to have  namespaces separated from DCAT and to delete the related note
> on dqv document.
> Cheers,
> Riccardo
> On 22 January 2016 at 23:15, Eric Stephan <> wrote:
>> To establish a bit of a timeline, last October there was a very small
>> contingency of folks including Antoine and myself on the October 16 WG
>> call.  I don't believe it was a formal meeting that day and there wasn't a
>> vote, but here [1] is the last discussion we had about not using DCAT as a
>> namespace, from what I can tell.
>> Thanks,
>> Eric S
>> Reference
>> [1]
>> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 8:56 AM, Phil Archer <> wrote:
>>> Thanks Antoine,
>>> My understanding is that the WG resolved not to use the DCAT namespace
>>> for either vocabulary. I'd have difficulty finding the resolution itself
>>> but that is my clear memory. The rationale being that people didn't like
>>> having terms in a single namespace being defined in multiple documents.
>>> If others have a different recollection, then of course I am ready to be
>>> corrected.
>>> Phil.
>>> On 22/01/2016 16:34, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> We didn't really conclude on my questions today, so I'm going to write
>>>> it down in an email, also to share with everyone else.
>>>> During the last F2F we discussed whether DQV and DUV should introduce
>>>> their elements in the DCAT namespace or their own. There was an issue,
>>>> 197, raised for it [1].
>>>> The resolution then was that "DUV begins to use the DCAT namespace, DQV
>>>> does not, but that both highlight this as an open issue that will lead
>>>> to a common way forward in future." [2]
>>>> Month after, DQV has a note about this:
>>>> [
>>>> The Working Group is considering putting all new classes and properties
>>>> defined in the DWBP Vocabularies in the DCAT namespace. As an attempt to
>>>> stimulate reactions which might help in taking a decision, the Dataset
>>>> Usage Vocabulary will be moved under the DCAT namespace. In case of
>>>> positive reactions to the DUV choice, the data quality vocabulary might
>>>> consider to go in the same direction.
>>>> ] [3]
>>>> But DUV went its own way and created its own namespace.
>>>> I believe that it's not a big problem. The discussion since then, and
>>>> the decision we made to publish DQV and DUV as notes (as opposed to
>>>> Recommendations) comfirms that we should have our own namespaces.
>>>> Still I prefer to ask everyone if:
>>>> - it's ok that we remove the note about ISSUE-179 in DQV
>>>> - we record a new resolution for ISSUE-179.
>>>> Any objection before I do this next week?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Antoine
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>>> [3]
>>> --
>>> Phil Archer
>>> W3C Data Activity Lead
>>> +44 (0)7887 767755
>>> @philarcher1
>> --
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> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Riccardo Albertoni
> Istituto per la Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche "Enrico
> Magenes"
> Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
> via de Marini 6 - 16149 GENOVA - ITALIA
> tel. +39-010-6475624 - fax +39-010-6475660
> e-mail:
> Skype: callto://riccardoalbertoni/
> LinkedIn:
> www:

Bernadette Farias Lóscio
Centro de Informática
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil

Received on Friday, 29 January 2016 10:39:32 UTC