Re: comments on the DUV

On 15/01/2016 13:22, Eric Stephan wrote:

>> — Concerning the current diagram
>> ----------------------------------------------
>> Rdfs:literal appears three times in the diagram.
>> Skos:Concept also appears three times
>> oa:Annotation appears two times.
>> foaf:Agent appears twice.
> Eric feedback:  Joao Paulo, we can try a diagram with only one class
> mentioned, do you think this is a showstopper for getting comments from
> others or can this wait until the next review?

My instinct is to agree, Joao Paulo, however, in this instance I'm not 
sure I do. That's because the vocabulary has three distinct parts 
(citation, feedback and usage) so I wouldn't necessarily expect to see 
just one skos:Concept in the diagram. That said, the attached png shows 
an idea for how to reduce the number of boxes in the usage area.


Received on Friday, 15 January 2016 14:11:01 UTC