Re: Publication Request, 1 ordinary WD

Ah-ha! Well spotted, yes of course. I'll let you know when it's done.

> Hi Phil,
> I uploaded the 'images' directory. However, there's still a broken link:
> [[
> Line: 41
>      Status: 404 Not Found
> ]]
> Can you please add the missing diff file?
> Thanks,
> Denis
> On 01/10/2016 09:29 PM, Phil Archer wrote:
>> This is a publication request for an ordinary working draft.
>> Proposed publication date: Tuesday 12 January 2016
>> Data on the Web Best Practices
>> ==============================
>> Document URI
>> ============
>> Please note that this is a near clone of the document published on 17
>> December. Notes on that publication request therefore apply here [1].
>> The reason for publication is the addition of an editors' note which is
>> highlighted in the status section and the change log.
>> *However* for reasons I do not understand, there's a problem with the
>> images sub directory. I've uploaded it along with everything else, done
>> the CVS commit - but it doesn't seem to have registered. So my CVS
>> client and the server disagree on what is on the server. I am travelling
>> between now and Tuesday so may have limited connectivity. To save time,
>> the directory and its contents at /TR/2015/WD-dwbp-20151217/images can
>> be cloned to create
>> Homepage news
>> =============
>> <p>The <a href="/2013/dwbp/"Data on the Web Best Practices Working
>> Group</a> has updated its <a href="/TR/2016/WD-dwbp-20160112/">Best
>> Practices document</a>. This publication is designed to encourage and
>> facilitate a greater sharing of data across the Web with greater
>> consistency and therefore greater trust. What should publishers do? What
>> metadata is essential? How can publishers encourage the maximum reuse of
>> their data?</p>
>> <p>The document published today is identical to that published on 17
>> December 2015 except that it draws attention to the instability of one
>> best practice in particular. The Working Group is therefore most keen to
>> receive feedback on that issue.</p>
>> [1]


Sent from my phone. Please excuse typos.

Received on Monday, 11 January 2016 08:09:07 UTC