Publication Request, 1 ordinary WD

This is a publication request for an ordinary working draft.

Proposed publication date: Tuesday 12 January 2016

Data on the Web Best Practices

Document URI

Please note that this is a near clone of the document published on 17 
December. Notes on that publication request therefore apply here [1]. 
The reason for publication is the addition of an editors' note which is 
highlighted in the status section and the change log.

*However* for reasons I do not understand, there's a problem with the 
images sub directory. I've uploaded it along with everything else, done 
the CVS commit - but it doesn't seem to have registered. So my CVS 
client and the server disagree on what is on the server. I am travelling 
between now and Tuesday so may have limited connectivity. To save time, 
the directory and its contents at /TR/2015/WD-dwbp-20151217/images can 
be cloned to create

Homepage news

<p>The <a href="/2013/dwbp/"Data on the Web Best Practices Working 
Group</a> has updated its <a href="/TR/2016/WD-dwbp-20160112/">Best 
Practices document</a>. This publication is designed to encourage and 
facilitate a greater sharing of data across the Web with greater 
consistency and therefore greater trust. What should publishers do? What 
metadata is essential? How can publishers encourage the maximum reuse of 
their data?</p>
<p>The document published today is identical to that published on 17 
December 2015 except that it draws attention to the instability of one 
best practice in particular. The Working Group is therefore most keen to 
receive feedback on that issue.</p>



Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Sunday, 10 January 2016 17:29:07 UTC