[Minutes] 2016-08-26 & state of play summary.

The minutes of today's meeting are at 
https://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-dwbp-minutes with a text snapshot below.

We resolved to publish the two vocabs simultaneously with the CR of the 
BP doc on Tuesday. Editors of all three docs may be making trivial 
house-cleaning changes between now and the end of Saturday. Both vocabs 
are stable but editors may wish to make further clarifications and 
editorial improvements that will lead to further publications in future.

Today was the last of our regular weekly hour long calls. The chairs now 
wish us to move to a catch up call every 2 weeks, probably around 15 
mins long. Such meetings will be driven by the needs of the editors.

Although the WG's work in defining the BPs and the vocabs is now 
complete, the work of the WG is not yet over. The BP editors will need 
the support of all WG members to gather implementation evidence and 
further review of the vocabs is welcome. Both *may* be relevant to the 
putative future work on reviewing and extending DCAT.

       Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference

26 Aug 2016

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-dwbp-irc


           annette_g, yaso, hadleybeeman, phila, antoine,
           ericstephan, riccardoAlbertoni, laufer,
           BernadetteLoscio, PWinstanley





      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Old meeting minutes
          2. [5]Data Quality Vocabulary
          3. [6]Dataset Usage Vocabulary
          4. [7]Best practices doc
          5. [8]The future
      * [9]Summary of Action Items
      * [10]Summary of Resolutions


    <hadleybeeman> [11]https://www.w3.org/2016/07/29-dwbp-minutes

      [11] https://www.w3.org/2016/07/29-dwbp-minutes

Old meeting minutes

    <hadleybeeman> [12]http://www.w3.org/2016/08/05-dwbp-minutes

      [12] http://www.w3.org/2016/08/05-dwbp-minutes

    <hadleybeeman> [13]https://www.w3.org/2016/08/12-dwbp-minutes

      [13] https://www.w3.org/2016/08/12-dwbp-minutes

    PROPOSED: To accept the last 4 weeks' meetings minutes

    <hadleybeeman> last week:

      [14] https://www.w3.org/2016/08/19-dwbp-minutes

    PROPOSED: To accept last week's minutes

    <ericstephan> +1

    <BernadetteLoscio> +1


    <hadleybeeman> +0 (wasn't here)

    <annette_g> +1

    <riccardoAlbertoni> +1 (to the first two, i was not present in
    the last)

    RESOLUTION: To accept last week's minutes

    <laufer> +1

Data Quality Vocabulary

    hadleybeeman: Do the editors want to say anything?

    antoine: We have continued on the editorial actions that we had


      [15] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Data_quality_draft_actions

    antoine: We got a lot of them done.
    ... Still a few things that we could work on
    ... On the mailing list, it was suggested that there might be
    another version published
    ... but then there was the idea that this would be the last one

    hadleybeeman: Sorry for the mixed messages
    ... What I was trying to say is that we're not planning to
    continue to meet as a WG talking about changes to the docs.
    ... From the perspective of the WG, this is the last main
    ... But if you want to carry on and then come back to the WG
    and ask for a review and a vote then that can happen

    antoine: Do we need to set the formal status of the doc?

    <riccardoAlbertoni> very good ..

    hadleybeeman: Nope, we can publush as many version s of a note
    as we like

    antoine: We'll do some more polishing but these things we're
    changing are about the wording

    <Zakim> phila, you wanted to ask about those little things

    phila: What kind of issues are you dealing with?

    antoine: Things like consistent capitalisation, we added one
    arrow to the diagram
    ... Two more important things - flagging items that could
    constitute future work (the wish list)
    ... but I think we've done that already
    ... another one ... not about the doc, but the turtle files. Do
    we need to create a namespace doc separate from the spec
    ... we can do it easily

    <hadleybeeman> phila: First, the minimum we need is just a
    turtle file. in w3.org/NS/dqv

    <hadleybeeman> ...Ideally, you have multiple versions of that.
    A ttl, and RDF XML, and a JSON-LD one. And set up conneg
    between them

    <hadleybeeman> ...We need at least one deferenceable one

    <hadleybeeman> ...There already, no?

    <hadleybeeman> antoine: yes

    -> [16]https://www.w3.org/ns/dqv the namespace file exists

      [16] https://www.w3.org/ns/dqv

    <hadleybeeman> riccardoAlbertoni: Yes, it's there but needs

    <hadleybeeman> phila: as part of the publication process, we
    need an updated version of [17]https://www.w3.org/ns/dqv

      [17] https://www.w3.org/ns/dqv

    <hadleybeeman> ...and if you have time later to do other
    serialisations, including ideally an HTML one, we can do that.

    -> [18]https://www.w3.org/2016/11/sdsvoc/ SDSVoc

      [18] https://www.w3.org/2016/11/sdsvoc/

    <hadleybeeman> ...Also, re future work:

    <hadleybeeman> ...I'm hoping you can present this vocabulary at
    this workshop in the end of Nov.

    <hadleybeeman> ...There should be a new working group in the
    new year which should (among other things) review and update
    DCAT. And it would be good if it looked at this group's
    vocabularies too.

    <hadleybeeman> antoine: this is on my agenda.


    hadleybeeman: Anything else tyo ask?


    <antoine> [19]http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-dqg.html

      [19] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-dqg.html

    PROPOSED: That the current editor's draft of the data Quality
    Vocabulary, [20]http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-dqg.html, be
    published as an updated NOTE

      [20] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-dqg.html,

    <annette_g> why is that dqg?

    <annette_g> +1

    <ericstephan> +1

    <BernadetteLoscio> +1

    <laufer> +1

    <hadleybeeman> +1

    <riccardoAlbertoni> +1

    <antoine> +1

    <yaso> +1

    RESOLUTION: That the current editor's draft of the data Quality
    Vocabulary, [21]http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-dqg.html, be
    published as an updated NOTE

      [21] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-dqg.html,

    <ericstephan> yeah congrats data quality editors

    <hadleybeeman> phila: we need to clarify the status of the

    phila: currently it says: his document presents the most mature
    version of the Data Quality Vocabulary that could be produced
    in the lifespan of the Data on the Web Best Practices Working
    Group. At time of publication, its main components have
    remained stable for several months, even after receiving
    feedback and suggestions from the community. We expect however
    that further refinements and extensions of this model may be
    carried out by future working groups,

    considering requirements from specific domains or applications.

    <riccardoAlbertoni> yes!!

    <hadleybeeman> phila: 'extensions' are easy. 'Refinement'
    sounds like it might change, which is more problematic

    antoine: By refinement, I think we expect mostly more
    guidelines on usage
    ... I can't guarantee against future changes

    phila: How about clarifications cf. refinements?

    antoine: I;m OK if riccardoAlbertoni is.

    <annette_g> do the refinements need clarifying?

    riccardoAlbertoni: In future, someone could try to implement
    and suggest some changes, but that's not going to happen in
    this group. If DQV were a Rec, then refinement might considder
    ... but clarification seems better

    antoine: The URL for this doc - Annette made the point about
    the URL. Maybe we can drop the G from any URL we'll think of?

    <hadleybeeman> phila: okay, except that it's not there for the
    document. It only appears on our github URL

    <hadleybeeman> ...Our published version is at /dqv

    phila: The g doesn't appear in TR space, only in GitHub

    riccardoAlbertoni: I've explained my POV so, OK..

    hadleybeeman: So doies that wind up this discussion?

Dataset Usage Vocabulary

    hadleybeeman: Anything to talk about, editors?

    <PWinstanley> +q

    <ericstephan> • The DUV editors have fixed pictures and
    [22]http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-du.html#Vocab_Overview ,
    including identifying gaps in the DCAT 1.0 and made a number of
    clarifications about citation….

      [22] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-du.html#Vocab_Overview
      [23] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-du.html#Citation_Model

    ericstephan: Bernadette and I have been busy trying to do some
    refinement on some of the pictures, examples etc
    ... One of the things we've done is to change the colours on
    the overview to point out what is DUV and what parts are third
    party vocabs
    ... In the citation model we have gone to greater lengths to
    clarify what our changes are and how DCAT 1.0 has been extended
    by DUV
    ... in order to make both datasets and distriubutions citable
    ... and then we've gone into how you can create electronic
    citations from the fields within that.
    ... So we hope we've cleared up any murkiness

    <ericstephan> • Expanded on the

      [24] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-du.html#relationship_vocabularies

    ericstephan: Based on the comments from OKFN in July we updated
    a new section talking about alternate approaches to other
    ... one of them was the review vocab
    ... At the time when we were asked to think about that and
    other vocabs in LOV, I was asked to provide some text about
    that so we added that, and relationship to schema.org and the
    review vocabulary

    PWinstanley: I wanted to apologise for being late and leaving

    <BernadetteLoscio> thanks!

    laufer: My question is not directly about the things that Eric
    talked about. I want to congratulate Eric, Bernadette and Sumit
    for the work.
    ... I did a review. I notice that some of the properties in the
    diagram are not listed in the text. So I think that we can vote
    on this doc but I think that there's some tidying up to be done

    <ericstephan> Removed properties that were deprecated and
    clarified conflicting or vague definitions of properties….

    ericstephan: Thanks for pointing that out. That's part of the
    final scrubbing that we're doing.
    ... I was going to bring up that were in the doc that were
    deprecated, so we've removed those
    ... But anything in the diagram does need to be in the doc. So
    we'll need to add that to our to Do list.
    ... We've also been updating our examples

    <ericstephan> • We still need to: Update the vocabulary, update
    the JSON examples, add the three properties, add one more
    example, follow up with Joao Paulo and OKFN

    <BernadetteLoscio> w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-du.html#examples

    ericstephan: And so I think that we st ill have a little bit of
    work to do, so we're showing how a person can use the DUV
    ... So our To Do includes updating the Turtle, the JSON
    examples, amnd we have 3 properties that we're missing. And the
    last piece is following up with Joaoa Paulo on the usage tool.
    ... We think we have that resolved. I also need to follow up
    with Pierre YV

    <laufer> ok. thank you, eric

    <hadleybeeman> phila: You've given us a finite list of things
    you want to do. Would another week or two make a difference?

    <hadleybeeman> ...I'm concerned... we're expecting not to have
    weekly hour-long calls after this. Plan is to have a 15-min
    call every other week.

    <hadleybeeman> ...Human nature is such that it may be harder to
    keep it a priority.

    <hadleybeeman> ...At some point, the group will have to
    consider wither the BP doc has met its exit criteria. That
    could be a panic deadline for you.

    <hadleybeeman> ...It is not a requirement that both
    vocabularies are published on Tuesday. It only makes sense if
    they're ready.

    <hadleybeeman> ...At the same time, you CAN publish them on
    Tuesday, and fix those little things in the following weeks if
    you wish.

    <hadleybeeman> ...I don't want you to feel bulldozed.

    ericstephan: Thanks. One of the things... one you have
    momentum, my preference is to carry on
    ... So it's easier to carry on. Berna and I are close to
    accomplishing what we want to accomplish.

    <BernadetteLoscio> +1

    ericstephan: I> think we can be done over the weekend

    BernadetteLoscio: I agree
    ... Do we have time to make these changes?

    <hadleybeeman> phila: The timing... I need to get the documents
    in place over the weekend. I'll be doing it on Sunday.

    <hadleybeeman> ...Everything published on Tuesday has to be
    fully ready by Monday.

    <hadleybeeman> ...If you can have the minor things done...
    Also, don't forget my Sunday AM is Saturday night, in reality.

    <hadleybeeman> BernadetteLoscio: we can do this. The changes
    are things we know exactly how to fix

    <ericstephan> we've only just begun (pacific time)

    <hadleybeeman> phila: If you can, realistically, get it done
    today (Friday) — and have it ready by the end of Saturday
    (Americas time) — that's fine.

    <hadleybeeman> ...Assuming it's just little, editorial and
    formatting changes.

    <hadleybeeman> BernadetteLoscio: Okay. I think we can do this.

    BernadetteLoscio: I think we can - do you agree Eric?

    ericstephan: Yes, but..
    ... worst case, we make our changes and it won't be until next
    week that we hear back from Joao-Paolo and OKFN
    ... and they don't like our changes, then that would mean that
    there would be at least 2 refinement activities
    ... It's just to be completely fair. is that something we can
    still consider being done on Tuesday with a definition of the
    usage tool.
    ... We;re talking about the human definition of a usage tool
    ... The risk is that we get unfavourable feedback

    BernadetteLoscio: These are not big changes.
    ... Can we make changes after the publication?

    <hadleybeeman> phila: Yes, if you wanted to. We could publish a
    version on Tuesday, and then liaise with the chairs — depending
    on when the next meeting is — talk to them about setting up a
    meeting with the working group to vote to publish another

    <hadleybeeman> ...A working group could publish a draft every
    week, if they chose.

    hadleybeeman: So do you want top publish now or not?

    ericstephan: I think so

    BernadetteLoscio: Yes, the changes are not so big

    PROPOSED: That the latest editors draft of the DUV at
    [25]http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-du.html be published as a
    NOTE, allowing for the editors to make final minor tweaks after
    the meeting
    ... That the editors are asked to make final tweaks to the
    draft of the DUV at [26]http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-du.html
    for it to be published as a NOTE on Tuesday 30th

      [25] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-du.html
      [26] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-du.html

    <hadleybeeman> +1

    <BernadetteLoscio> +1

    <ericstephan> +1

    <annette_g> +1

    <laufer> +1

    <riccardoAlbertoni> +1

    <ericstephan> no no I liked the first opinion :-)

    <yaso> +1

    <antoine> +1 and this is not influenced by the chair ;-)

    RESOLUTION: That the editors are asked to make final tweaks to
    the draft of the DUV at
    [27]http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-du.html for it to be
    published as a NOTE on Tuesday 30th

      [27] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-du.html

    <BernadetteLoscio> ;)

    <ericstephan> wooot wooot

    <antoine> hurray!

    <annette_g> woohoo!!!

    PROPOSED: Vote of thanks to Vocab editors

    <riccardoAlbertoni> congrats to all!


    <hadleybeeman> +1

    <BernadetteLoscio> thank you all!

    <annette_g> +1

    RESOLUTION: Vote of thanks to Vocab editors

    <yaso> haha fair! +1

    <laufer> +1

Best practices doc

    hadleybeeman: Can the editors summarise what happened at the
    Director's call?

    BernadetteLoscio: During the meeting, the Director asked about
    we had addressed the requirements, feedback from the commenters
    ... We showed what we havae done in the last 2 years. At the
    end he asked about the implementations
    ... He suggested that we analyse one or more well known
    datasets to see whether they do follow the BPs. He suggested
    that just 2 evidences per BP would be pretty weak
    ... It's i.mportant to show that our BPs really are BPs
    ... I was thinking that now we have 2 types of evidence.

    <annette_g> nondatasets = other best practices lists?

    BernadetteLoscio: One is to show that it is possible to
    implement a BP and the other is to show that it really is a BP
    as it has been implemented

    <laufer> known

    BernadetteLoscio: In this case, I understood that the Share-PSI
    evidence can also be listed in our implementation report
    ... We also asked about the WG's extension
    ... I said that it will take a long time if it's just the
    editors doing everything, but if other members of the WG can
    help then we can make this by end October.
    ... I think it would be good if individuals c an focus on
    specific BPs

    hadleybeeman: Thanks Bernadette and huge congratulations

    <ericstephan> I have an archive that can be listed as
    well...the archive manager will be working with me

    hadleybeeman: So that leads slowly into what's next. This is
    our last weekly hour long meeting...

    BernadetteLoscio: We still have one little issue open
    ... I'd like to ask Annete if she saw my last message and if
    she agrees with just including a short sentence on the example,
    as I think we need to close this today

    annette_g: I replied yesterday...

    <hadleybeeman> s/annete/Annette

    BernadetteLoscio: About the example...
    ... We can talk by Skype if needs be

    annette_g: You want to say that the data is already in a
    locale-specific format so the parameters are necessary
    ... I would take out the word 'already'
    ... Did you see my little suggestion about adding to the
    sentence there? SO we point out that the date in the metadata
    is locale-neutral

    BernadetteLoscio: You have time to discuss this after the
    ... We really need to finish this today

    hadleybeeman: Yes.
    ... But I want to cheer you both on to get it sorted.

The future

    <laufer> :(

    <BernadetteLoscio> i'm gonna miss our calls

    hadleybeeman: The chairs felt that as the vocabs are done
    unless the editors say otherwise. The chairs thought it would
    be useful for the BP editors to check in every 2 weeks or so
    ... But we'll talk before the meeting. It's your time to use as
    you wish. But we're nearly there. We're going into
    implementations as soon as the CR is published.
    ... Editors, it's your job to drive this it's all our jobs to
    ... We need you to tell us what you need.
    ... We're here to help

    BernadetteLoscio: We'll certainly send messages
    ... and we'll need help with the implemenbtation report.

    hadleybeeman: So we'll next meet on 9 September for a 15 minute
    check in.

    <laufer> It was a great pleasure to work with all of you! Thank
    you all!

    hadleybeeman: You are all phenominal
    ... Thank you

    <antoine> and the chairs have done a fantastic job too, thanks!

    <yaso> Thanks, hadleybeeman!

    phila: Thinks Hadley's pretty phenomenal too

    <ericstephan> Thank you Hadley and the chairs! You have made
    this hard work a lot of fun!

    <annette_g> Thanks to everyone! It's been great to work with
    you all. I learned a ton.

    <antoine> and our W3C team contact :-)

    <annette_g> vote of thanks to Phl!

    <yaso> Yes! Thanks to phila !! o/

    <laufer> thank you phil

    <riccardoAlbertoni> thanks !!

    BernadetteLoscio: I've enkjyed it - it's been a whole learning
    curve. Thank you

    <ericstephan> Thank you Phil just a better time for DCAT 2.0

    <BernadetteLoscio> Thank you Phil!!!!

    <hadleybeeman> phila: Karen Myers will be asking some of you
    for testimonials ,to say in the press about this.

    <hadleybeeman> ...You may be hearing from her.

    <hadleybeeman> ...Also — we've reached CR, and we have 2 vocabs
    that are pretty stable -- but we do have to get these

    <hadleybeeman> ...It's been a huge effort to get from the
    enormously underspecified scope of the work, to where we are —
    but there is that final stage to go.

    <hadleybeeman> ...It will get us to where this is a quoted and
    used standard.

    <hadleybeeman> ...So whilst I agree with all the
    congratulations — we're not done yet.

    <yaso> Bye all!!!

    <laufer> bye all

    <BernadetteLoscio> bye!

    <BernadetteLoscio> yes :)

    <BernadetteLoscio> im already there!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

     1. [28]To accept last week's minutes
     2. [29]That the current editor's draft of the data Quality
        Vocabulary, http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-dqg.html, be
        published as an updated NOTE
     3. [30]That the editors are asked to make final tweaks to the
        draft of the DUV at http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/vocab-du.html
        for it to be published as a NOTE on Tuesday 30th
     4. [31]Vote of thanks to Vocab editors

    [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 26 August 2016 14:16:02 UTC