Minor changes to BP doc today

Dear all,

Following yesterday's call, I have acted on Addison's latest e-mail 
which contained easy to implement suggestions.

I then suggested some wording for the status of the document section to 
include a direct link to the Evidences form as well as reference to the 
future work on analysing other datasets. I also referred to the charter 
that actually says: Evidence of implementation will gathered from 
national or sector-specific guidelines that reference the Best 
Practices. This is a reference to the Share-PSI work and the kind of 
thing I believe Steve has been doing too, so we'll have those three 
lines of evidence.

I've made and merged those changes - of course they can be undone and/or 
improved upon.

For discussion - when do we think we'll have gathered the evidence? 
Would the end of October be achievable do you think?



Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead

+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2016 10:31:51 UTC