Re: Few Observations on DWBP BP document

Thank you Riccardo for all these comments,  we're gonna address them in the
document. As you as we have the corresponding commits for your suggestions,
we're gonna let you know and then you can review them.

Kind regards,
BP Editors

2016-04-20 11:36 GMT-03:00 Riccardo Albertoni <>:

> Dear editors,
> First of all, thanks for the  efforts and the great work you have  done.
> I think the BP document collects very useful BPs and that it is great to
> have a unique document  where publishers and consumers can check for
>  well-known and less-known BPs.
> Below you can find few observations from my side, please accept my
> apologies as I have not had the time to check  if any of them have been
> already pointed out by other group members or have been previously
> discussed.
> * in  section 4- Context
>  "Data is published in different distributions, which is a specific
> physical form of a dataset."  should/ can be replaced "Data is published in
> different distributions, which are  specific physical form of a dataset."
> * in BP1: how to test?
> About the sentence "Check if all provided metadata are coherent with the
> described resource."  I am not sure to understand what kind of coherence we
> are referring to. Perhaps we should specify it.
> Otherwise, I would opt for suggesting "Check if human readable metadata
>  is available"
> * in  Bp2: How to test
>  About the sentence "Check if the descriptive metadata is available in a
> valid machine-readable" I would add  "description" or format  at the end of
> it.
> * in BP3: How to test:
> there is an extra ")"  at the end of the  first sentence
> * in BP13: Possible Approach to implementation
> "Make data available in a machine readable standardized data format that
> is easily parseable including but not limited to CSV, XML, Turtle, NetCDF,
> JSON and RDF."
> RDF is more  a  data model than  a data format, actually it can be
> serialized in different serialization syntaxes  such as turtle, JSON-LD and
> I would replace the sentence above with
> "Make data available in a machine readable standardized data format that
> is easily parseable including but not limited to CSV, XML, Turtle, NetCDF,
> JSON and RDF/XML ."
> or
> "Make data available in a machine readable standardized data format that
> is easily parseable including but not limited to CSV, XML, NetCDF, JSON and
> RDF serialization syntaxes like  RDF/XML, JSON-LD, turtle."
> Many thanks again,
> Cheers,
> Riccardo
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Riccardo Albertoni
> Istituto per la Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche "Enrico
> Magenes"
> Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
> via de Marini 6 - 16149 GENOVA - ITALIA
> tel. +39-010-6475624 - fax +39-010-6475660
> e-mail:
> Skype: callto://riccardoalbertoni/
> LinkedIn:
> www: * <>*

Bernadette Farias Lóscio
Centro de Informática
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil

Received on Saturday, 23 April 2016 12:21:18 UTC