Evaluation Survey for the DWBP

Dear Phil and DWBP WG participants,

Berna, Newton and I are together in São Paulo and we just presented the 
DWBP WG and the importance of using Best Practices to publish data on 
the Web on the Workshop on Survey Methodology [1] for a group about 40 
people and some of them are data publishers. So we are trying to gather 
more institutions to test the Best Practices.

Since tomorrow and Thursday we will attend the "Short Course 2: Web 
Surveys - Questionnaire Design and Implementation" we would like to take 
this opportunity to finish the Evaluation Survey for the DWBP [2]. 
Regarding the Share-PSI Best Practice Evaluation [3] and the questions 
[4] we identified during the last F2F in Zagreb, we thought we could try 
to develop the open Survey so we can launch it as soon as the CR is 
available. Was there any development of that after the Zagref F2F (by 
Share PSI or any participant from this WG)?

Finally, it would be nice to define where the questions will be 
gathered. The example of Implementation report template for the Mobile 
Web Application Best Practices [5 and 6] seems good, but we think the 
Survey should be the easier as possible to whoever is answering the 
Survey fill in the answers.

Thank you! Kind regards,
BP Editors

[1] http://cetic.br/semana-metodologias-pesquisas/courses/
[2] https://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp/
[5] https://www.w3.org/2010/01/mwabp-implementation-report
[6] https://www.w3.org/2010/01/mwabp-implementation-report-template

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2016 19:55:10 UTC