Re: Webby Data

Hi all,

Thanks a lot for the great discussion!

I'd like to make two comments: the first one about versioning and the other
one about the links.

As we discussed before in our WG, it is not easy to define when to create a
new dataset or a new version of an existing one. In the DWBP document we
give some ideas about this, but the choice is up to the publisher [3]. On
the other hand, we have BP to tell how to do to deal with versioning. In
the current version of the document, we have two BP: Best Practice 8:
Provide versioning information and BP 9: Provide version history. There are
some vocabularies that we can use to describe the version of a dataset as
well as the relationship between dataset versions. However, I couldn't find
terms to describe the modifications of one dataset with respect to its
previous version. In BP9, we argue that this information should be
available. I was wondering if we can use the Web Annotations Model to
describe this [1]. Does it make sense to you? Do you have other

Concerning the links, I agree that it is too ambitious to go into the
details of hypermedia. However, as Phil proposed, we will have BP saying
that resources (datasets and data items) should have unique identifiers. We
also have BP related with how to provide access to datasets [2]. We already
have a BP that tells to Follow REST principles when designing APIs. Maybe,
this BP may be improved to cover some aspects related with Eric's concerns.
What do you think?



2015-10-16 17:06 GMT-03:00 Erik Wilde <>:

> hello jeremy.
> On 2015-10-09 23:12, Jeremy Tandy wrote:
>> Now, Eric's point [9] is that there is a "difference between 'web data
>> only' and the 'web of hypermedia-driven services'" and that "'webby
>> data' is a necessary but not sufficient condition to have hypermedia.
>> [which requiresproviding navigational affordances to get things done
>> with that data."
>> I see that in the vast majority of cases, the data is accessed via a
>> service end-point ... even if it is a trivial HTTP Get. But there are
>> cases where (as I said in point #3 above) that you simply want to use
>> URIs as identifiers. This clearly is not hypermedia. I wonder if there
>> are two levels of requirements here? At this point, I'm unable to unpick
>> this distinction further, but I'm sure it will be relevant in the
> thanks for pointing this out, and i absolutely agree that there are two
> levels at play here. one level that's needed for "just data" is the ability
> to identify resources, and this is what RDF is all about. and generally
> speaking, non-RDF models may want to use similar policies for identifying
> (some of their) resources via URI. doing this means that identifiers are
> context-free and thus globally usable, which is a very valuable thing when
> you start to combine data of various origins.
> however, links are a fundamentally different issue. they are not
> identifiers of data resources, but instead identifiers of hypermedia
> resources which provide support for interactions. in order to be useful,
> links must be typed (
> so that clients can decide which links to follow to accomplish their
> application goals.
> as phil suggested, maybe it is too ambitious for DWBP to go into the
> details of hypermedia, and why and how it matters. but as i said earlier,
> it seems to me that in order to make data available on the web, most often
> there are services associated with it. even if often just rather simple
> ones such as the ability to page through a collection, or to filter it.
> providing guidance on how to do this in a webby way would be very valuable.
> thanks and cheers,
> dret.
> --
> erik wilde |  -  tel:+1-510-2061079 |
>            | UC Berkeley  -  School of Information (ISchool) |
>            | |

Bernadette Farias Lóscio
Centro de Informática
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil

Received on Friday, 23 October 2015 12:26:43 UTC