Re: Discrepancy in DWBP W3C First Public Working Draft 24 February 2015

Hi Phil,
I understand this perfectly.

>The link you highlight points to a frag id at the end of the latest
>version URL of the UCR doc. When we publish the next iteration of the UCR
>doc, the hyperlink will still work, even though it will return an updated

YesŠ which is the wrong section if I am not mistaken.

>There is no direct connection between Github and the published docs. The
>latter are generated snapshots that are copied and stored/served as static
>docs that won't change. We publish new versions that supersede, improve
>upon and correct, but the previous versions remaon available. Look at any
> doc and click back through the previous version links if you
>want to test this.

I get it

>There will be errors in these docs. We'll correct these - and no doubt add
>in new ones - in the coming months.


Received on Tuesday, 24 February 2015 23:12:17 UTC