Re: Publication Request for 2 Ordinary WDs

Thank you Denis!

And thanks for the offer of help with Echidna. I'm pretty sure we'll 
take that up in the Spatial Data WG if not here in DWBP.

Busy day for you today - thanks for including these two.


On 17/12/2015 10:55, Denis Ah-Kang wrote:
> Hi,
> The documents have been published on
> Phil, these documents are good candidates to be published by Echidna.
> Let me know if you want help to set this up.
> Regards,
> Denis
> On 12/16/2015 08:09 PM, Phil Archer wrote:
>> This is a publication request for two ordinary working drafts
>> Proposed publication date (for both): Thursday 17 December
>> Both documents are installed in /TR space and have passed validation,
>> link checking and pubrules.
>> Data on the Web Best Practices
>> ==============================
>> Document URI
>> ============
>> The namespace checker reports a problem with checking but
>> that's a very well established URL.
>> There are some redirects from stable URIs that I do not agree should be
>> changed (things like  to
>> which is CMS-dependent)
>> Record of WG resolution to publish
>> Data on the Web Best Practices: Data Quality Vocabulary
>> =======================================================
>> Document URI
>> The namespace checker complains about several 303 redirects where the
>> URI uses a 303 redirect to a query. This is normal behaviour on the data
>> Web!
>> And the namespace is accurately listed in the namespace
>> table (but not hyperlinked). It's expected to become live early next
>> month.
>> Record of WG resolution to publish
>> Homepage news
>> =============
>> <p>The <a href="/2013/dwbp/"Data on the Web Best Practices Working
>> Group</a> has updated two of its documents: the <a
>> href="/TR/2015/WD-dwbp-20151217/">Best Practices document</a> itself and
>> the <a href="/TR/2015/WD-vocab-dqv-20151217/">Data Quality
>> vocabulary</a>. Both documents are designed to encourage and facilitate
>> a greater sharing of data across the Web with greater consistency and
>> therefore greater trust. What should publishers do? What metadata is
>> essential? How can publishers encourage the maximum reuse of their data
>> and how can anyone, publisher or user, provide information that helps
>> others assess the quality of data and its suitability for different
>> purposes?</p>
>> Thanks
>> Phil.


Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Thursday, 17 December 2015 11:20:50 UTC