Fwd: Re: Quick comments on DQV after F2F meeting.

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Subject: Re: Quick comments on DQV after F2F meeting.
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2015 11:02:18 +0000
From: Debattista, Jeremy <Jeremy.Debattista@iais.fraunhofer.de>
To: Riccardo Albertoni <albertoni@ge.imati.cnr.it>
CC: Antoine Isaac <aisaac@few.vu.nl>, Christophe Guéret 
<christophe.gueret@dans.knaw.nl>, Deirdre Lee (Derilinx) 
<deirdre@derilinx.com>, Phil Archer <phila@w3.org>, Debattista, Jeremy 

Hi Riccardo,

I will have a closer look during the weekend/early next week.


On 24 Apr 2015, at 12:55, Riccardo Albertoni 
<albertoni@ge.imati.cnr.it<mailto:albertoni@ge.imati.cnr.it>> wrote:

Hi Antoine,

my apologies  if  I have not answered questions on #3..  and I have 
mistaken the date in my previous mail, I was looking at the wrong month 
I certainly need some vacation :(

My proposal is,
a -we should try to have a DVQ conceptual scheme on which the restricted 
group of people closely woking on DVQ have a first agreement.  [mid of 
next week??]
b - editors send a mail asking for feedbacks from the rest of the group 
[end of next week?!?]
c -  compile a list of issue to be discussed in a Friday call [  mid of 
first week of May ??!!]
d-  have a Friday call on DVQ and related open issue [ 8 of May???]

Does this make sense for DVQ editors? If it is not please feel free to 
make your proposal.

>From my point of view,  it is important that the rest of  people closely involved in the Data quality vocabulary, provides their feedbacks about the  current draft and the design questions I have listed in [1].
So that we can have a version to share with the rest of the group, and 
have  a proper Friday call dedicated to DVQ.

Are you, Jeremy or Deirdre planning to send feedback by next week ?
Christophe has already sent some feedbacks, I am going to reply him as 
soon as possible and to update the schema according to the discussion.
If no feedbacks are expected, from you, Jeremy, Deirdre     we should 
probably share  the conceptual scheme and open the discussion with the 
rest of the group.

I think DVQ editors ( Antoine, Christophe)  might also start considering 
what of the current DVQ conceptual scheme  and previous  requirements 
work they plan to include in the FPWD. I would like to avoid   that my 
requests for design feedbacks go too far and bring the discussion far 
from the real goal, which is "to get a first working draft  for DVQ by 
the end of May" :)

Hope my view is a little clearer now..



On 24 April 2015 at 11:14, Antoine Isaac 
<aisaac@few.vu.nl<mailto:aisaac@few.vu.nl>> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I can't make it at the call today. and didn't have time to work on my 
actions. It's great to have seen progress, though!

There's still one pending question: what was the proposed timing, 
actually? I think Riccardo has still not answered my questions on #3 below!



On 4/16/15 8:36 AM, Antoine Isaac wrote:
Hi Riccardo,

thanks a lot for the summary!
I had not time to look at the minutes for the part of the call I haven't 
attended yet, so this is very useful.
Some feedback.

1) Alright, if we can go in FPWD with a relatively pre-mature voc.

2) Most of the things you write in this point make much sense. Making a 
first shot articulating DCAT and DAQ seems a good idea. We'd have ended 
up with something like this as our basis, anyway, I feel! So I will 
gladly seize your answer :-)

I know some other people at VU Amsterdam working on quality, and was 
planning to re-contact them after the F2F. But they work more on 
eliciting more info regarding dimensions and metrics, we would need to 
do the 'basic' work ourselves.

About the scoping issue: what do you mean precisely with: "the need that 
other representations of quality are  somehow considered besides 
computed metrics"?

3) I'm ok having a call on Friday 22 May as you write. But you seem to 
refer that the call is in fact earlier, even next week? If yes, then I 
would gladly postpone to the one next. But that's May 1st, I guess the 
call will be cancelled.



On 4/15/15 10:33 PM, Riccardo Albertoni wrote:
Dear Antoine and Christophe,

let me drop you some quick comments resulting from the F2F and off-line 
chat I had with Phil and Deirdre.
@ Phil and Deirdre: please correct me if I have misunderstood any of 
your points.

1) Phil suggests that we have out the FPWD of the  Quality Vocabulary at 
the end of May, not at mid/late June.
   According to Phil, this is necessary due  to issues related to the 
management of the group and his need to report to W3C on group 
advancements .

So,   Phil's idea would be  to  keep the schedule proposed  by Antoine 
in [1], but having the FPWD out  based on   "Spec, first version of the 
vocabulary" which is  expected by 22nd of May, and  then, to face  the 
rest of the activity  as  part of comments/ feedbacks /refinement of the 
2) I think we had some useful feedbacks from  the  F2F discussion  on 
quality [2],  in particular we had an agreement on
-  what quality dimensions we might  start with, namely dimension from 
the Open Data Support list and Makx's Share-PSI session (see action [3] 
and related resolution)
and  a sort of agreement on
- the  adoption of DAQ as starting point especially to represent quality 
dimensions and computed  metrics.
- the need that other representations of quality are  somehow considered 
besides  computed metrics,  e.g.,  we should be able to say that the 
quality is described in an SLA (see action [4]), or the data set is 
compliant to a given "standard", best practice set  ect.

I know this is still far from the set of  requirements we might need to 
share with the group in order to design the DQV, but  at the same time, 
I tend to agree with  Phil and Deirdre: we should move on, get a first 
draft that makes sense for us, and that will force the discussion on 
more specific issues,  that will probably help eliciting/revising the 
list of requirements  and  in building a   consensus on those 
requirements the group hasn't yet agreed on.

In this respect,  I hope next week I will be able to find a  proper slot 
to incorporate DCAT, Jeremy's DAQ, and  non-metric-based  quality 
representations in a  very early draft  concept schema for DQV.  No 
Rocket science, just  a very  early draft ( 3/ 4 entities and few 
relations)  we can reason and refine on. Do you think that might help? 
Do you want me to do it? Or we have already people working on this?

3)  it seems that,  from here to end of May, we will have  at least a 
Friday-call fully dedicated to DQV. Deirdre is suggesting to have a "DQV 
Friday"  the next Friday  (the 22nd of May), and she was  also one  of 
those suggesting we should  get an early draft schema  of concepts to 

If I you want me  to provide such early concept schema draft, I would 
recommend to have the DQV dedicated Friday call a week later (29Th 
instead of 22nd). That, in order  to be sure that  Antoine, Christophe 
and Deirdre can comment/ amend  my draft and  we can discuss  a more 
significative/stable version with the rest of the  group.

What do you think?


[1] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Data_quality_schedule
[2] http://www.w3.org/2015/04/13-dwbp-minutes.html#item02
[3] http://www.w3.org/2015/04/13-dwbp-minutes.html#action07
[4] http://www.w3.org/2015/04/14-dwbp-minutes.html#action12

Riccardo Albertoni
Istituto per la Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche "Enrico 
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
via de Marini 6 - 16149 GENOVA - ITALIA
tel. +39-010-6475624<tel:%2B39-010-6475624> - fax 
Skype: callto://riccardoalbertoni/
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/riccardoalbertoni
www: http://www.ge.imati.cnr.it/Albertoni

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Riccardo Albertoni
Istituto per la Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche "Enrico 
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
via de Marini 6 - 16149 GENOVA - ITALIA
tel. +39-010-6475624 - fax +39-010-6475660
Skype: callto://riccardoalbertoni/
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/riccardoalbertoni
www: http://www.ge.imati.cnr.it/Albertoni

Received on Friday, 24 April 2015 12:13:18 UTC