Re: Open Data for Agriculture


i'd like to point you to fp7 project semagrow [1], where we are basically
trying to make unbelievable large datasets available as rdf and try to
the groundings for a smart sparql engine that knows where to start to look
for meaningful data for a given sparql query without having to query

fao is also part of the project.

note: we are basically talking about whole halls full of rackets with
net-cdf discs here...

have you ever heard of the city of wageningen, netherlands?  the city of
life science.. there are a lot of institutes and small/big companies that
deal with these things... google's your friend..

wkr j


| Jürgen Jakobitsch,
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| Semantic Web Company GmbH
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2014-09-05 11:07 GMT+02:00 Leigh Dodds <>:

> Hi,
> I've done (and am doing) a small amount of work in this area. Bart has
> already pointed out Agrovoc. Its a very useful thesaurus of terms
> useful for tieing together data from different sources, particularly
> statistical data.
> On the research side of agriculture there's been a fair bit of work on
> things like, e.g. the Crop Ontology ( So
> some examples of using RDF/OWL/Linked Data for data sharing.
> An interesting issue at the moment is that agriculture is becoming
> increasingly data-driven, with use of sensors and satellite imaging to
> inform farming practices. There's a growing tension between the large
> agri-businesses and farmers. See, e.g. [1]. There's a case to be made
> that farmers could be opening up their data, rather than locking it up
> with big businesses.
> On my current project I'm working with Syngenta on how they might go
> about sharing data from their Good Growth Plan [2]. That's statistical
> data on corporate and farming activities, so fits well with Data Cube.
> Cheers,
> L.
> [1].
> [2].
> On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 8:33 PM, Steven Adler <> wrote:
> > I'm exploring a use case around Open Data standards for agriculture.  Has
> > anyone done any work in this domain and is anyone aware of any vocabulary
> > standards for Agriculture that have been tried. built, used, etc?
> >
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > Steve
> >
> > Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"
> --
> Leigh Dodds
> Freelance Technologist
> Open Data, Linked Data Geek
> t: @ldodds
> w:
> e:

Received on Friday, 5 September 2014 09:43:17 UTC