Exactly. Best Practices are best learned from mistakes.
Please imagine now how it could be better.
----- Original Message -----
From: Leigh Dodds [leigh@ldodds.com]
Sent: 03/29/2014 12:54 AM GMT
To: Steven Adler
Cc: public-dwbp-wg <public-dwbp-wg@w3.org>; IBM Open Data Group <IBM_Open_Data_Group%IBMUS@us.ibm.com>
Subject: Re: Women @ Work in Los Angeles
Where is the Open Data they've published? I looked at the article and its
references, but can only find an infographic, not a supporting dataset. The
infographic itself doesn't link to an actual dataset either. Apologies if
I've missed something.
What are the best practices to be drawn attention to here?
On 28 Mar 2014 21:29, "Steven Adler" <adler1@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> I'm in Los Angeles today and just had lunch with a great team in the LA
> Comptroller's office. We talked about Open Data and standards and they
> shared with me some work they just published yesterday.
> http://ktla.com/2014/03/27/women-earn-83-cents-for-every-1-men-earn-in-l-a-city-government/
> I think this is an example of how to do Open Data right and needs no
> introduction.
> [image: http://tribktla.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/bjxplaqcyaaungr.jpg]
> Best Regards,
> Steve
> Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"