Re: Recommendations from Leigh

+1 Leigh, Deirdre

I think such recommendations which could be considered BP and they could
help us to define the BP doc.

I think a good way too see such recommendations is directly connected with
the Data on the Web Life Cycle proposed by Bernadette. Does that make sense
to you?


2014-03-18 20:13 GMT-03:00 Lee, Deirdre <>:

>  Hi,
> Thanks Leigh for your valuable comments. While we will bear them all in
> mind, many of your points are justifiable as use-cases in their own right,
> to ensure they don't get lost. I've added some to our use-case doc (*Documented
> Support and Release of Data* and *Feedback Loop for Corrections*). Let me
> know if you have any comments.
> I have also added two other new use-cases that came up during the OKF
> Greece workshop presentations this evening on natural disaster management
> data and transport data. I will add more details once the slides are online
> (and I have better Web connection) Selection of particular datasets might
> be out of scope for our WG, but we can discuss the use-cases at our F2F.
> Great to see all the discussion on the mailing-list, but don't forget to
> pop the specific use-cases in the use-case wiki page!
> Hope to see some of you at EDF over the next few days.
> Cheers,
> Deirdre
>    Deirdre Lee, Research Associate, eGovernment Group
> Insight Center for Data Analytics, NUI Galway, Ireland
> Twitter: @deirdrelee, Skype: deirdrelee
> Linkedin:
>     ------------------------------
> *From:* [] on behalf of Leigh
> Dodds []
> *Sent:* 18 March 2014 13:50
> *To:* Steven Adler
> *Cc:*; Lee, Deirdre;
> *Subject:* Re: APIs to work with data on the web
>   Hi,
>  I'm not a working group member, but wanted to chime in here.
>  I work as an Open Data consultant, with part of my time spent working at
> the Open Data Institute in the UK (my comments here are my own). I'm very
> interested to see the deliverables from this group as this is a really
> important area.
>  As someone who works with a variety of data publishers and consumers,
>  I'm looking for this working group to help document and promote a set of
> best practices that apply to the existing ways in which people are putting
> data onto the web, *not* to recommend a single best way to do that. There
> is already a set of emerging best practices, recommendations and guidance
> which can be brought together by this group and given a seal of approval by
> the W3C.
>  Many of those best practices are orthogonal to the means by which the
> data itself is published. Whether the data is accessed in bulk (downloads)
> or on-demand (APIs, Linked Data) there are some common things that data
> publishers should do in order to make that data useful, for example:
>  * ensure its documented
> * ensure its supported and regularly released
> * ensure the release schedule is described
> * ensure that there are clear feedback loops for corrections, updates
> * ensure it is clearly licensed
> * ensure that there is a stable link to the data
> * ...etc
>  Many of these issues are captured and described by applications like the
> Open Data Certificates, but not all of them are yet covered by
> machine-readable vocabularies.
>  There are some specific recommendations that can also be made that apply
> to the means by which data is published:
>  * If you're publishing bulk downloads, then how do you support that with
> machine-readable metadata? E.g. as part of a data package
> * If you're publishing a SPARQL endpoint, then should you also publish a
> SPARQL Service Description document, etc.
> * If you're publishing Linked Data then how best to construct your URIs?
> (Ref: UK government URI guidance)
> * ...etc
>  Separating out the issues into general recommendations, that help build
> trust and reliability into online data, from specific technology specific
> recommendations seems like a useful way forward to me.
>  It also important to recognise that publishers may want or need to
> support multiple ways to access the same dataset. For example when we built
> the Ordnance Survey Linked Data platform this was to supplement their
> existing bulk download options with both a Linked Data view and a set of
> APIs. This was to support the widest possible set of consumer needs. E.g.
> everything from local bulk indexing, through to simple online browsing of
> the data.
>  In terms of the use cases that are being compiled, I think its really
> important to prioritise the needs of the data consumer rather than the
> publisher. Its the consumers that need to be supported by data publishers
> doing improving their publication processes (incl. providing
> machine-readable data). Publishers will also benefit but through the
> network effects of more consumers using their data. By focusing on specific
> issues that consumers are facing I think it will be easier to turn those
> into actions for the group.
>  So from a use case perspective I'd suggest focusing them on specific
> questions such as:
>  * as a data consumer, how do I identify the source of this data?
> * as a data consumer, how do I know how this data has been collected?
> * ..., how do I provide corrections?
>  Cheers,
>  L.
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Steven Adler <> wrote:
>> Thanks.  A few people have agreed with our position below, but some still
>> like the idea of API's for accessing Data.  What is the process W3C uses to
>> resolve these points of view and when it is resolved, does the conclusion
>> get written into the Best Practices draft and/or do we also include the
>> lineage of the conclusion - that is, we we present the pros and cons and
>> reasons for the conclusion by also relating what we didn't recommend and
>> why?
>> Best Regards,
>> Steve
>> Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"
>>    From:  <>   To:  Steven
>> Adler/Somers/IBM@IBMUS, <>   Cc:  <
>>>, <>, <>   Date:  03/18/2014
>> 08:21 AM   Subject:  RE: APIs to work with data on the web
>> ------------------------------
>> +1
>> -        Resources should be addressable with a URI
>> -        One should aim a common interface for humans and machine
>> **<>
>> Regards
>> Tomas
>> *From:* Steven Adler [ <>]
>> * Sent:* Monday, March 17, 2014 4:34 PM
>> * To:* Lee, Deirdre
>> * Cc:* Makx Dekkers; Newton Calegari;
>> * Subject:* RE: APIs to work with data on the web
>> Excellent use case which begins to explore and spell out the advantages
>> and trade-offs of using API's to access Open Data.  I would like to explore
>> this topic in greater detail.  My own personal preference is data access by
>> HTTP and URI, because it provides a common interface for humans and
>> machines.  But are there performance implications?
>> Best Regards,
>> Steve
>> Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"
>>   From:  "Lee, Deirdre" <** <>>
>> To:  Newton Calegari <** <>>, Makx Dekkers <
>> ** <>>   Cc:  "
>> ** <>" <**<>
>> >   Date:  03/17/2014 11:19 AM   Subject:  RE: APIs to work with data on
>> the web
>> ------------------------------
>> Hi all,
>> Very interesting article indeed and related to discussions we're
>> currently having with developers as part of Open Data Ireland on how best
>> to publish/use machine-readable data.
>> I've added a use-case on it **<>Please feel free to add points or pick up on nuances of the conversation
>> that I missed. Perhaps we could break this into multiple use-cases to look
>> at each of the aspects in more detail?
>> Cheers,
>> Deirdre
>> * From:* Newton Calegari [** <>]
>> * Sent:* 17 March 2014 13:19
>> * To:* Makx Dekkers
>> * Cc:* ** <>
>> * Subject:* Re: APIs to work with data on the web
>> Hi Laufer, I didn't know the Socrata.
>> Thanks for share the link, Makx. Very interesting text and point of view
>> about APIs.
>> BR,
>> Newton
>> Em 14/03/2014, à(s) 15:58, Makx Dekkers <**<>>
>> escreveu:
>> For a different perspective on APIs, see this:
>> **<>
>> Makx.
>> * From:* Newton Calegari [** <>]
>> * Sent:* Thursday, March 13, 2014 6:03 PM
>> * To:* ** <>
>> * Subject:* APIs to work with data on the web
>> Hi all,
>>          Last week, Yaso and I were talking about APIs and how they are
>> important in all aspects of data on the web. APIs are one of the simplest
>> ways to access and to distribute data across the web, and we think that is
>> an important subject to be discussed on the WG.
>>          To talk about APIs, we obviously need to discuss about URI and
>> descriptors. Carrasco written the first document [*1*<>]
>> about it, besides there are a few messages discussing it.
>>          Moreover, I want to share some links I consider relevant and
>> useful to discuss about this topic.
>>          Joshua Bloch, a software engineer and former *Googler*,
>> published an article on InfoQ [*2*<>]
>> site and made a presentation called "How to Design a Good API & Why it
>> Matters" [*3* <>]
>> (other Jushua's presentation about the same subject, but the video is
>> hosted on YouTube [*4* <>]).
>> These links are very interesting and I recommend to all of you, even who is
>> already expert in API design.
>> [1] Data on the Web URI Best Practices:
>> **<>
>> [2] Joshua Bloch: Bumper-Sticker API Design:
>> **<>
>> [3] How to Design a Good API & Why it Matters:
>> **<>
>> [4] How to Design a Good API & Why it Matters (YouTube version):
>> **<>
>> Best Regards,
>> Newton
>  --
> Leigh Dodds
> Freelance Technologist
> Open Data, Linked Data Geek
> t: @ldodds
> w:
> e:


Ig Ibert Bittencourt
Professor Adjunto III - Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL)
Vice-Coordenador da Comissão Especial de Informática na Educação
Líder do Centro de Excelência em Tecnologias Sociais
Co-fundador da Startup MeuTutor Soluções Educacionais LTDA.

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2014 14:55:37 UTC