Confirmed: Open Data in Los Angeles: W3C Webinar (Mar 19 12:00 PM EDT)

The W3C Data on the Web Best Practices WG is organizing a series of Open
Data Webinars with City from around the world to collect first hand use
case examples of Open Data Opportunities, Challenges and Requirements -
what's worked, what needs work, and what lessons have been learned that we
can harvest as part of our open standards Best Practices work.
These calls are open to the public and all content is contributed as Open
Data under a Royalty Free license.

Our third call will be on March 19th @ 12pm ET, and our speakers are

- Ali Farahani, Chief Data Officer of LA County
- Suzy Jack, Deputy Comptroller of the City of Los Angeles
- Juan Lopez, Special Assistant, City of Los Angeles

In this presentation we will learn about how the City of LA published its
budget in Open Data and the remarkable stories of how citizens used that
data to learn more about how their money is spent.

The call will be recorded, with Q&A, and comments will be documented by the
Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group.

Title: Open Data in LA
Speakers: Ali Farahani, Suzy Jack, Juan Lopez
Date: March 19th 2014
Time: 12pm ET, 5pm GMT, 6pm GMT +1
USA Toll Free: 888-426-6840
Participant Code: 70360994

Global Numbers

Webinar Information
To Participate online:

1. Go to the URL -

2. Click Join a Meeting button in the top right corner of the page

3. Enter the Conference ID: 3208928

4. Enter your name and email address

5. Click the LogIn button

Just reminding everyone about this call tomorrow.  Its a great Open Data
use case from Los Angeles that I'm sure you will enjoy.

Received on Tuesday, 18 March 2014 20:28:46 UTC