We had a great webinar today with the CIO of The City of Palo Alto.
Jonathan Reichental delivered an excellent presentation to a group that
numbered 75 overall, with terrific questions and comments and not enough
time to answer them all.
Enclosed is the list of participants and the Q&A Chat discussion. We hope
to answer these questions in a followup email and I will post a recording
of the webinar to Youtube and send the URL.
We will continue this Open Data Webinar Series with another CIO
presentation next month and the W3C Data on the Web Working Group will
have its first meeting in London on March 31 to April 1 in IBM Southbank.
A detailed agenda and public meeting announcement will be provided
Thanks again to Jonathan Reichental for an excellent presentation and
thanks to all who participated for a lively and interactive discussion.
Best Regards,
Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"