Open by Default

You don't want to miss this presentation - today @ 12pm ET.  See details 

The W3C Data on the Web Best Practices WG is organizing a series of Open 
Data Webinars with City CIO’s from around the world to collect first hand 
use case examples of Open Data Opportunities, Challenges and Requirements 
– what’s worked, what needs work, and what lessons have been learned that 
we can harvest as part of our open standards Best Practices work.
These calls are open to the public and all content is contributed as Open 
Data under a Royalty Free license.
Our first call will be on February 13th at 9am PT, 12pm ET, and our 
speaker is Jonathan Reichental, CIO of the City of Palo Alto in 
California.  Palo Alto is a beautiful city of about 100,000 inhabitants in 
the middle of Silicon Valley.  It is home to Stanford University and it 
has a diverse IT savvy population.
Last Week, Palo Alto began a new policy initiative called “Open by 
Default” whereby the City seeks to be a model for Open Government and 
Transparency by publishing Open Data by default for all of it’s public 
activities.    Jonathan will talk about the goals of the Open by Default 
program, the cultural, technical, and political challenges the city faces 
implementing it and what we can all learn from their experience.
The call will be recorded, with Q&A, and comments will be documented by 
the Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group.
Title: Open by Default 
Speaker: Jonathan Reichental 
Date: February 13th 2014 
Time: 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5pm GMT, 6pm GMT
+1 USA Toll Free: 888-426-6840 Participant Code: 70360994
BRAZIL Access Type: Toll-Free AT&T Direct Number: 0800-890-0288 Dial-In 
Number: 888-426-6840
NETHERLANDS Access Type: Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 0-800-363-6036
UNITED KINGDOM Access Type: Toll-Free Dial-In Number: 0800-368-0638
Webinar Information
To Participate online:
1. Go to the URL -

2. Click Join a Meeting button in the top right corner of the page
3. Enter the Conference ID: 3208928
4. Enter your name and email address
5. Click the LogIn button

Best Regards,


Motto: "Do First, Think, Do it Again"

Received on Thursday, 13 February 2014 16:07:29 UTC