DPV 2.1 release schedule

Hi All.

In the last meeting on NOV-12 [1], we discussed how we should approach 
releasing DPV v2.1, and agreed that we will publish DPV 2.1 as a 
'release candidate' by DEC-17 first to invite scrutiny and feedback, and 
then assuming there are no major issues, create a final production 
release in JAN'25. Please let us know your thoughts by replying to this 
email or (preferably) using the GitHub issue - 

There are some tasks pending for completing v2.1, which you can see 
under the 2.1 milestone - https://github.com/w3c/dpv/milestone/5 My 
personal list for these tasks is below. We would like your help with 
contributions and reviewing - and you can express your interest and 
availability by reacting (e.g. thumbs up to support a task) or 
commenting (e.g. to review or add to the task) on the relevant GitHub issue.

You can see a list of changes/additions to v2.1 by looking at the closed 
issues - https://github.com/w3c/dpv/milestone/5?closed=1. You can also 
see the list of items planned for the next release, which will be v2.2 

My tasks for v2.1 - numbers represent subtasks
- DPV machine-actionable rights guide #191
- Rules Fulfilment 0/2 #189
- Add Fees Concepts 0/2 #185
- Add Impact categories to risk 0/2 #184
- Add Rights Impact concepts for EUFR 0/3 #184 #75
- Add right non-fulfilment justifications 0/2 #63
- add rights impact concepts for DGA rights 0/3 #184
- RISK AI Bias concepts from ISO 4/5 #182
- Add Bias concepts 0/3 #182
- Risk concept revision 0/3 #181
- w3id namespaces 5/10 #178
- NIS2 concepts in 2.1 0/2 #147
- Integrate AIRO/VAIR into DPV 0/8 #143 #126
- Change suggested citation to ISWC paper 0/3 #131
- Expand DPV Legal Basis taxonomy 0/2 #111
- Analyse ISO 22989 1/3 #110
- Write DPV Guide for ISO 29184 Consent Notice #91
- Add risk management concepts 0/4 #74
- Check with Examples are needed for v2.1 0/3 #12

P.S. Beatriz and me are at the International Semantic Web Conference in 
Baltimore, USA presenting the DPV 2.0 paper. You can find the slides 
here: https://harshp.com/research/presentations#2024-ISWC-DPV and the 
paper here: https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.13426

[1] https://w3c.github.io/dpv/meetings/meeting-2024-11-12.html

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University

Received on Thursday, 14 November 2024 20:07:23 UTC