Re: Event Updated: DPVCG Meeting Call 15 May 2024

Hi Mark.
I have the same understanding - and I am not disagreeing with you - but 
I don't understand what you're asking here (sorry). What do you - 
specifically - want to add or change or remove from DPV? DPVCG does not 
make requirements for how things work - we provide a specification for 
representation of information for requirements that come from e.g. law 
or standards.

On 15/05/2024 14:54, Mark Lizar wrote:
> Hi Harsh,
> Consent is human and legally defined, and this is how it is defined in 
> law.  Both must be considered.  Systems manage permissions, human manage 
> consent, and consent is implied through the purpose of an action.   Most 
> importantly,  consent can only be provided if there is sufficient 
> transparency, it is not something that happens independent of notice.   
> For consent to be valid, the identity of the controller must first be 
> provided, or else consent cannot be provided.
> - Mark
>> On 15 May 2024, at 09:26, Harshvardhan Pandit <> wrote:
>> Hi Mark.
>> We are modelling consent as defined in laws and legal terminology. 
>> From the perspective of the individual, they 'provide' consent. From 
>> the perspective of the organisation, they 'obtain' (or collect) 
>> consent. I don't think we are conflating consent and permissions.
>> On 15/05/2024 14:22, Mark Lizar wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> There is a huge issue in that Consent and Permission are very confused.
>>> Systems obtain permission, permission is given, all of which can 
>>> happen with out the consent or consensus of the individual.  The 
>>> semantics are incredibly important, as the dark patterns in the 
>>> identity management is a significant problem.
>>> Best,
>>> Mark
>>>> On 15 May 2024, at 09:05, Mark Lizar <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Harsh,
>>>> Consent is provided not obtained,
>>>>> On 14 May 2024, at 16:10, Harshvardhan J. Pandit (W3C Calendar) 
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> View this event in your browser 
>>>>> < <>>
>>>>>  DPVCG Meeting Call 15 May 2024 ^Upcoming ^Confirmed
>>>>> 15 May 2024, 14:00 -15:00 Europe/Dublin
>>>>> Event is recurring weekly on Wednesday, starting from 2024-04-24, 
>>>>> until 2024-12-19
>>>>> Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>> This is the weekly DPVCG meeting call
>>>>>    Agenda
>>>>> Agenda 
>>>>> < <>>
>>>>> Previous minutes: 
>>>>> <>< <>>
>>>>> This meeting will be chaired by Beatriz with apologies from Harsh
>>>>> To confirm issue can be closed: (the text will be updated after 
>>>>> concepts are finalised)
>>>>>  * justifications: 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>> see live:
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>  * statuses for involved, intention, entity informed:
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>> see live:
>>>>>  * human involvement and automatino:
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>> see live:
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>  * Tech extension - dropped prefix 'Technology' from actors:
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>  * Tech extension - added cloud concepts, status, docs, removed
>>>>>    categories: 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>  * AI Act add Prospective Provider:
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>  * added GDPR principles, see live:
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>> (fyi,
>>>>>    confirm its okay)
>>>>> To discuss:
>>>>>  * measures for consent obtain, withdraw etc.:
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>> - added controls for
>>>>>    consent, see live:
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>  * Express 'goal' or 'purpose' of technology -
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>>, see
>>>>> <>< <>> proposing tech:hasIntendedUse
>>>>> Reminder:
>>>>>  * DPV v2 release schedule 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>> Help wanted:
>>>>>  * update and docs - 
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>  * add profile metadata to dpv rdf -
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>>  * review contents (when ready) -
>>>>> <>
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>>
>>>>> AOB
>>>>>    Joining Instructions
>>>>> Join the meeting 
>>>>> < <>>
>>>>>    Participants
>>>>>      Groups
>>>>>  * Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>> (View Calendar
>>>>>    < 
>>>>> <>>)
>>>>> Report feedback and issues on GitHub 
>>>>> < <>>.
>>>>> To stop receiving these emails please update your calendar 
>>>>> preferences 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> <>>.
>>>>> <event.ics>
>> --
>> ---
>> Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
>> Assistant Professor
>> ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University
>> <>

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University

Received on Wednesday, 15 May 2024 14:06:05 UTC