Re: Adding categories of data subjects

Upon thinking some more about this, I like Beatriz's suggestion of going 
with statuses, but to also have entity specific concepts. See below 
notes and examples. In the process, I discovered two more concepts: 
Determination and Expected/Unexpected. Please scrutinise these with due 

# Active/Passive
- represents 'active involvement' of an entity
- cannot work on its own as a status without a subject i.e. who/what is 
- e.g. Active - Data Subject? Controller? Recipient?
- unlikely to change, active subject won't become passive
- use status per entity i.e. DataSubjectActive, ControllerActive
- can also be categories, but status for consistency with other concepts

# Informed/Uninformed
- represents whether the specified entity was informed about the 
associated processing or context
- same as active, requires a subject
- e.g. Informed - Data Subject? Controller? Recipient?
- likely to change, uninformed subject can become informed
- 'informed' is contextual - subject may be uninformed elsewhere
- use status per entity i.e. DataSubjectInformed, ControllerInformed

# Intended/Unintended
- Intent can be approached from either side: e.g. Customers as data 
subjects were intended by the Controller - here the target concept is 
Intended Data Subjects; or it was the Controller's intent to have 
Customers as data subjects - here the target concept is the Controller's 
- we should use intent for the first i.e. applicability, and for the 
second we should use 'determination' as a concept (see later)
- intended (thereby) represents whether the specified context was 
intended by the responsible entity
- intent is not likely to change
- use generic status i.e. StatusIntended, StatusUnintended - the context 
is sufficient to state the subject i.e. data subject is intended
- Question: do we need to distinguish the perspective here e.g. 
controller's perspective of being intended vs data subject's?

# NEW: Determination
- determination represents who decides or determines the processing or 
context specified e.g. purpose is determined by controller or data subject
- new relation `isDeterminedBy` to indicate the concept was determined 
by the indicated entity
- can be an accompaniment to Intended to denote whose determination (or 
purpose and means of processing) causes the intention to materialise
- is crucial to understand accountability and involvement e.g. EDPB 
guidelines on Controllers and Processors
- is also a nice addition to distinguish difference in determination by 
providers and consumers within processing activities

# NEW: Expected/Unexpected
- see
- intent is when you decide, expect is when you don't decide (Mark will 
probably like seeing expected as a concept)
- e.g. a controller has both intended and expected processing from a 
- e.g. a processor only has intended processing on instruction from 
- e.g. a person (reasonably) expects what data is being processed is 
different from the person intending some data to be processed
- Question: whether something can ever by Intended and Unexpected, or 
Unintended but Expected? Seems unlikely for the same entity, however it 
can happen that one entity intends something that is unexpected to 
another entity.
- Caveat: being informed does not (by itself) make something expected - 
that requires being informed to be followed by comprehension to create 
the expectation

# --- Implementation Examples --- #

@prefix dpv: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .

# Method 1: Explicit concepts for every variation - NOT SUITABLE
# e.g. Intended: Data Subject, Processing, etc.
# Pros: explicit, directly usable
# Cons: Lots of "Intended" concepts
ex:PDH1 dpv:hasDataSubject [
         a dpv:Customers ;
         a dpv:IntendedDataSubject ;
     ] ;
     dpv:hasProcessing [
         a dpv:Collect ;
         a dpv:IntendedProcessing ;
     ] .

# Method 2: Generic status for categories - SUITABLE
# e.g. StatusIntended, StatusUnintended
# Pros: less concepts, can be used in any context
# Cons: requires complex 'nesting' inside concepts
ex:PDH2 dpv:hasDataSubject [
         a dpv:Customers ;
         dpv:hasStatus dpv:StatusIntended ;
     ] ;
     dpv:hasProcessing [
         a dpv:Collect ;
         dpv:hasStatus dpv:StatusIntended ;
     ] .

# Method 3: Same as Method 2, but to use at PDH level - IDEAL
# Pros: can neatly indicate which 'activities' are intended
# Cons: requires discipline - everything in that PDH is intended
ex:PDH3 dpv:hasPersonalDataHandling [
         dpv:hasDataSubject dpv:Customers ;
         dpv:hasProcessing dpv:Collect ;
         dpv:hasStatus dpv:StatusIntended ;
     ] ;
     dpv:hasPersonalDataHandling [
         dpv:hasDataSubject dpv:Pedestrians ;
         dpv:hasProcessing dpv:Collect ;
         dpv:hasStatus dpv:StatusUnintended ;


On 09/10/2023 12:20, Harshvardhan J. Pandit wrote:
> Addendum: these categories also apply to other entities e.g. Controllers 
> --. whether the processing was intended or not, whether the Controller 
> had an active involvement in the processing, and whether the Controller 
> was informed about the processing.
> Whether this information should be in scope (IMHO - strongly yes to 
> represent facts) and whether we should model this with the same or 
> different concepts is to be discussed. I am leaning towards separate 
> concepts for Processing and Data Subjects.
> - Harsh
> On 09/10/2023 12:12, Harshvardhan J. Pandit wrote:
>> Hi. To answer in order:
>> Art's question of whether these would be 6 categories - yes.
>> - Intended / Unintended
>> - Active / Passive
>> - Informed / Uninformed
>> Beatriz's question on modelling these as statuses.
>> - That's a good question. tldr; status does seem a better 'semantic 
>> model', but is also used as a category in common use.
>> - We use 'Status' in DPV to provide context to another concept with 
>> the expectation that that context will change. In this case, only the 
>> Informed/Uninformed categorisation seems likely to change. The 
>> Active/Passive and Intended/Unintended are categorisation of data 
>> subjects that do not seem likely to change, but can still be statuses.
>> - If you want to model this information on a data subject 
>> group/individual level, then status can be useful e.g. a specific 
>> individual - was informed or not? Same can be achieved with a category 
>> e.g. data subject is of 'type' informed.
>> - One benefit of statuses over categories is to indicate within 
>> processing policies whether data subjects have been informed as a way 
>> to keep track of it e.g. hasDataSubjectStatus <Informed>. This is in 
>> addition to using hasNotice <Notice> to indicate the information.
>> - Active/Passive can similarly be statuses to depict "involvement"
>> - Intended/Unintended should be categories
>> Mark's question on whether it is possible to represent status of 
>> notice as being current - Conformant/NonConformant concepts exist 
>> which can be used here with whatever criteria for conformance you want 
>> to indicate it with.
>> Regards,
>> Harsh
>> On 02/10/2023 20:41, Mark Lizar wrote:
>>> +1, this works well for notice signalling.
>>> And to extend what Beatriz mentions as for as status, active and 
>>> informed. To this point has the  state of  the status been considered 
>>> in modelling?
>>> E.g. Is the state of notice current, or not current, to indicate if 
>>> privacy is as expected or not.
>>> Best,
>>> Mark
>>>> On Oct 2, 2023, at 9:46 AM, beatriz.gesteves 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Dear Delaram,
>>>> I support the addition of these concepts.
>>>> A question: since these concepts would be useful to use with other 
>>>> types of entities/data subjects (e.g., data subject of type 
>>>> dpv:Citizen is uninformed), already modelled in DPV, have you 
>>>> considered modelling it as a status (similarly to other statuses 
>>>> that we have in DPV e.g. activity statuses)? Or would the idea be to 
>>>> use as many data subject types as needed based on the use case?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Beatriz
>>>> On 02-10-2023 13:32, Arthit Suriyawongkul wrote:
>>>>>> On 2 Oct 2023, at 09:08, Delaram Golpayegani 
>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> *Active Data Subject:* The data subjects who are aware of and have 
>>>>>> given consent to collection and processing of their data, e.g. an 
>>>>>> examinee sitting on an online exam proctored by an AI-based system.
>>>>>> *Passive Data Subject*: The data subjects who are not aware of 
>>>>>> collection and processing of their data, e.g. a passenger, passing 
>>>>>> the border control check, whose data is being processed for 
>>>>>> migration monitoring.
>>>>> Support the addition. Going to be very useful.
>>>>> "Not aware" may not fully cover the passiveness here. A passenger 
>>>>> who has some knowledge about the border control (previous knowledge 
>>>>> or reading a sign at the port) is aware of the collection.
>>>>> From the example of online exam proctor and border control, one of 
>>>>> the possible Active / Passive cutting points is probably whether 
>>>>> during the data collection the data subject involve in the 
>>>>> collection process directly. In the first example, the data subject 
>>>>> can see the camera and knowingly that the camera is part of the 
>>>>> exam process. They may also enter some personal data by themselves 
>>>>> as well. Compare to the second example, where the data could be 
>>>>> process well before the passenger enter the port (in case of an 
>>>>> arranged travel that such the data is required by the regulation 
>>>>> like air flight).
>>>>> So I think the examples here will be more for Informed Data Subject 
>>>>> and Uninformed Data Subject, as Harsh discussed the sense of #1 
>>>>> earlier.
>>>>> Which would make us having six categories here? :
>>>>> - Intended / Unintended
>>>>> - Active / Passive
>>>>> - Informed / Uninformed
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Art

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University

Received on Thursday, 12 October 2023 22:14:13 UTC