Adding categories of data subjects

Dear all,

Following a discussion with Harsh, I would like to propose adding the
following categories of  *dpv:DataSubject*:

*Intended Data Subject*: The data subjects whose data is intended to be
processed by the system, e.g. an examinee sitting on an online test that is
proctored by an AI system or a passenger, passing the border control check,
whose data is being processed for migration monitoring.

*Unintended Data Subject*: The data subjects whose data is not intended to
be collected and processed by the system, however there is a chance that it
would, e.g. a person, other than the examinee, whose video is captured and
processed by a student proctoring system.

*Active Data Subject:* The data subjects who are aware of and have given
consent to collection and processing of their data, e.g. an examinee
sitting on an online exam proctored by an AI-based system.

*Passive Data Subject*: The data subjects who are not aware of collection
and processing of their data, e.g. a passenger, passing the border control
check, whose data is being processed for migration monitoring.

Happy to discuss it further in the next DPVCG meeting.


Received on Monday, 2 October 2023 08:24:33 UTC