Call for Volunteers for DPV maintenance

Hi All.
This is a call for volunteers to support or lead the following tasks involved in DPV maintenance. If you have questions or want to be involved in this, please reply or contact me directly.

Rationale: For the continued development of DPV, it is vital for maintenance and development tasks to have people looking after them. At the moment, I'm the only one performing these (and I'm happy in doing 
so), but I expect me to have significantly less time in the coming year as I take on new duties. 

1) Recording minutes of meetings, publishing minutes
2) Keeping spreadsheets updated based on discussions 
3) Maintaining code that generates the RDF and Documentation (python knowledge required)
4) Keeping Github issues updated based on discussions
5) Analysing DPV uses and citations in literature (goes in the wiki)

I'm going to be involved in working on the vocabularies and keeping them progressing. It would be a great help to me and the DPVCG to have support for the tasks mentioned above as it means DPV can progress rapidly to tackle upcoming regulations such as AI ACT and Data Spaces. I'm incredibly proud of the work the community has achieved so far, and I think we can make DPV even more awesome with this support.

I can show what each task and work involved looks like currently.  I have been working on a new documentation generator which would be finished by the year end, and which I expect should significantly reduce the effort required to go from spreadsheet to webpages. So the task is a follow up to these improvements.

I am open to having another chair to formalise the role of the person to support these activities in the long run, assuming the group is okay with the nomination.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University

Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2023 19:37:36 UTC