Re: Proposal for expressing Rules, Permissions, Prohibitions in DPV

Hi all,

In our previous meeting we discussed how to represent rules with DPV and
some of you wanted to see how ODRL can specify similar rules.

I believe this can be the first step to have a document where we convert
DPV to other "languages".

Below you can see a mapping to ODRL of the examples we discussed.

If something is not clear let me know. Also more examples are welcome.


> # This can indicate permission: use email for service provision
> ex:PDH1 a dpv:PersonalDataHandling ;
> dpv:hasRule dpv:Permission ;
> dpv:hasPurpose dpv:ServiceProvision ;
> dpv:hasPersonalData dpv:Email .

ex:policy1 a odrl:Policy ;

    odrl:profile odrl-dpv: ;

    odrl:uid <> ;

    odrl:permission [

        odrl:action odrl-dpv:Use ;

        odrl:target odrl-dpv:Email ;

        odrl:constraint [

            odrl:leftOperand odrl-dpv:Purpose ;

            odrl:operator odrl:isA ;

            odrl:rightOperand dpv:ServiceProvision


    ] .


> # This can indicate prohibition: use email for Service Provision, but do
> not use for Analytics
> ex:PDH1 a dpv:PersonalDataHandling ;
>     dpv:hasRule dpv:Permission ;
>     dpv:hasPurpose dpv:ServiceProvision ;
>     dpv:hasPersonalData dpv:Email .
>     dpv:hasPersonalDataHandling [
>         a dpv:PersonalDataHandling
>         dpv:hasRule dpv:Prohibition ;
>         dpv:hasPurpose dpv:Analytics ;
>     ] .


ex:policy2 a odrl:Policy ;

    odrl:profile odrl-dpv: ;

    odrl:uid <> ;

odrl:action odrl-dpv:Use ;

    odrl:target odrl-dpv:Email ;

    odrl:permission [

        odrl:constraint [

            odrl:leftOperand odrl-dpv:Purpose ;

            odrl:operator odrl:isA ;

            odrl:rightOperand dpv:ServiceProvision


    ] ;

    odrl:prohibition [

        odrl:constraint [

            odrl:leftOperand odrl-dpv:Purpose ;

            odrl:operator odrl:isA ;

            odrl:rightOperand dpv:Analytics


    ] .


> # A PDH can be a rule, thereby providing declarative policies
> # This PDH1 is directly declared as a permission
> ex:PDH1 a dpv:PersonalDataHandling, dpv:Permission ;
>     dpv:hasPurpose dpv:ServiceProvision ;
>     dpv:hasPersonalData dpv:Email .


ex:policy1 a odrl:Policy ;

    odrl:profile odrl-dpv: ;

    odrl:uid <> ;

    odrl:permission [

        odrl:action odrl-dpv:Use ;

        odrl:target odrl-dpv:Email ;

        odrl:constraint [

            odrl:leftOperand odrl-dpv:Purpose ;

            odrl:operator odrl:isA ;

            odrl:rightOperand dpv:ServiceProvision


    ] .


> # Rules can be associated directly with concepts
> ex:SensitiveRecords dpv:hasRule dpv:Prohibition .


ex:policy3 a odrl:Policy ;

    odrl:profile odrl-dpv: ;

    odrl:uid <> ;

    odrl:prohibition [

        odrl:action odrl-dpv:Use ;

        odrl:target ex:SensitiveRecords ;

    ] .


> # This indicates an external rule is associated with a PDH
> ex:PDH1 a dpv:PersonalDataHandling ;
>     dpv:hasRule ex:SomeRuleX ;
>     dpv:hasPurpose dpv:ServiceProvision ;
>     dpv:hasPersonalData dpv:Email .


ex:policy4 a odrl:Policy ;

    odrl:profile new-profile: ;

    odrl:uid <> ;

    new-profile:ruleX [

        odrl:action new-profile:Use ;

        odrl:target new-profile:Email ;

        odrl:constraint [

            odrl:leftOperand new-profile:Purpose ;

            odrl:operator odrl:isA ;

            odrl:rightOperand dpv:ServiceProvision


    ] .


> # Rules can be what DPV defines
> ex:SomeRuleA a dpv:Obligation ; dct:title "you MUST obey!"@en .


ex:policy5 a odrl:Policy ;
   odrl:profile new-profile: ;
   odrl:uid <> ;
   odrl:permission [
       odrl:action new-profile:SomeAction ;
       odrl:duty [
           odrl:action new-profile:MustDoAction
   ] .

> # Or be specific custom types
> ex:SomeRuleB a ex:Requirement ; dct:title "checks something"@en .
> ex:SomeRuleC a ex:MyCustomRule .


new-profile:SomeRuleB rdfs:subClassOf odrl:Rule ;

      owl:disjointWith odrl:Prohibition, odrl:Duty, odrl:Permission .


"Harshvardhan J. Pandit" – October 1, 2022 5:42 PM

> Hi. In our previous meeting (SEP-28 
>[1]), we discussed 
> rules and Paul asked to see an example. So here it is.
> ---
> Rule
> ---
> DPV provides relation `hasRule` to associate concept `Rule` with a 
> context. The domain of hasRule is left blank, so it can be associated 
> with any thing. The range of hasRule is Rule, so it always specifies a 
> rule. DPV provides three categories of rules: Permission, Prohibition, 
> and Obligation.
> ---
> Scope
> ---
> DPV does not define additional semantics or criteria for
> So how to interpret rules beyond the above is not defined (for now),
> not in scope for us. We provide guidance that you are trying to do 
> something that is beyond the scope and capabilities of DPV, and you 
> should look into other resources to complement DPV. We can provide 
> guides to show how (volunteers please!)
> E.g. If A has rule permission, and A also has rule prohibition - we do 
> not clarify what should happen. Because again this is a question of 
> legality as much as semantics. The implied state of 'ambiguity' may
> have its own implications - such as this may not constitute valid 
> consent, please ask the user again.
> E.g. we do not (yet) clarify for the case where a permission is 
> expressed for a PDH with two purposes - whether the permission applies 
> for purposes individually (union) or only when both occur together 
> (intersection). This is also a matter of legality as much as of 
> semantics e.g. "When the processing has multiple purposes, consent 
> should be given for all of them" vs "consent should be ... specific".
> E.g. whether M as an obligation should occur before/after/during some 
> purpose implementation - not in scope as this would mean we need to 
> express ordering and dependencies between rules. There are other 
> languages that can do this.
> E.g. If A has rule permission, and B is part of A and has rule 
> prohibition, then whether A is permitted to occur so as long as B does 
> not occur.
> This is what I think we discussed at the W3C TPAC with ODRL CG: 
> interpretations can come later as part of how to provide a convenient 
> and lightweight method for converting DPV into other languages for 
> implementation, e.g. code, ODRL, SHACL, RuleML...
> The general aim is to not reinvent the wheel in DPV, but to also
> some simple way to indicate what is permitted, prohibited,
> ---
> Examples
> ---
> ```
> # This can indicate permission: use email for service provision
> ex:PDH1 a dpv:PersonalDataHandling ;
> dpv:hasRule dpv:Permission ;
> dpv:hasPurpose dpv:ServiceProvision ;
> dpv:hasPersonalData dpv:Email .
> # This can indicate prohibition: use email for Service Provision, but
> not use for Analytics
> ex:PDH1 a dpv:PersonalDataHandling ;
> dpv:hasRule dpv:Permission ;
> dpv:hasPurpose dpv:ServiceProvision ;
> dpv:hasPersonalData dpv:Email .
> dpv:hasPersonalDataHandling [
> a dpv:PersonalDataHandling
> dpv:hasRule dpv:Prohibition ;
> dpv:hasPurpose dpv:Analytics ;
> ] .
> # A PDH can be a rule, thereby providing declarative policies
> # This PDH1 is directly declared as a permission
> ex:PDH1 a dpv:PersonalDataHandling, dpv:Permission ;
> dpv:hasPurpose dpv:ServiceProvision ;
> dpv:hasPersonalData dpv:Email .
> # Rules can be associated directly with concepts
> ex:SensitiveRecords dpv:hasRule dpv:Prohibition .
> # This indicates an external rule is associated with a PDH
> ex:PDH1 a dpv:PersonalDataHandling ;
> dpv:hasRule ex:SomeRuleX ;
> dpv:hasPurpose dpv:ServiceProvision ;
> dpv:hasPersonalData dpv:Email .
> # Rules can be what DPV defines
> ex:SomeRuleA a dpv:Obligation ; dct:title "you MUST obey!"@en .
> # Or be specific custom types
> ex:SomeRuleB a ex:Requirement ; dct:title "checks something"@en .
> ex:SomeRuleC a ex:MyCustomRule .
> # Or use external vocabularies
> ex:SomeRuleD a dpv:Rule, odrl:Policy .
> # Such as ODRL to specify details about payment, duties, etc.
> ex:SomeRuleE a dpv:Rule, odrl:Offer .
> ```
> On 20/07/2022 18:16, Harshvardhan J. Pandit wrote:
>> Hi. Some updates on my thoughts about this.


Received on Tuesday, 18 October 2022 10:34:42 UTC