Use-Cases, Requirements, and Examples

tldr; we have pages for -
use-cases & requirements:
data spreadsheet:
relevant issue:

This is to enable recording the progression of DPV and assist in its 
eventual standardisation - where the use-cases and requirements play an 
important role in understanding why DPV was/is needed and if it is 'well 
designed'. Please help with populating this information.

# Use-Cases

We have a way to collect use-cases and requirements on to a page, and 
link them to concepts. For example, see Use-Case refer to Requirement which refers to dpv:Concept, 
dpv:Relation as concepts.

The HTML documentation shows this relation for use-cases and 
requirements through links, and has an appendix at end to do the inverse 
- provide a list where for each concept the relevant use-cases and 
requirements are listed.

The use-cases and requirements are taken from the spreadsheet, and also 
put into RDF at

The terms/relations used to describe use-cases and relevant concepts 
etc. are documented in the Vocabulary section of the page.


# Examples

Similar to use-cases, examples also have a vocabulary to describe 
content, a HTML page where they are listed along with relevant concepts, 
an appendix that provides for each concept the relevant use-cases, and 
are serialised as RDF at

In addition, the Examples are files stored in /examples path (e.g. see, 
and have the option of being shown verbatim in the HTML documentation, 
as in

The next step is to provide links to these examples in DPV vocabularies 
and documentations using vann:example.

Note the pages are not on the 'formal DPV' website yet. Once we discuss 
and finalise the documents/contents, I'll add them to w3c/dpv repo (the 
content is already on the local_hjp branch in this repo, but cannot be 
viewed live, which is why I use my website as a proxy to see 'drafts').

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Research Fellow
ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

Received on Wednesday, 12 October 2022 20:10:15 UTC