- From: Harshvardhan J. Pandit <me@harshp.com>
- Date: Sat, 28 May 2022 12:57:08 +0100
- To: public-dpvcg@w3.org
- Message-ID: <dd0a0ea9-9dc7-fd35-608b-096ab18595f7@harshp.com>
Hello. This is a rather long email, so tldr - extension providing concepts related to technologies in relation with data, operations (processes), security, provision, actors, and communication. Motivation and reasoning for why this is needed, and how this is different from tech/org measures is included. Also attached is a CSV with the concepts. These relate to discussions taken place in the past few meetings, and this email represents the progress to date. ------------------------------------------ #1 Motivation ------------------------------------------ Currently in DPV we have `dpv:Technology` and `dpv:hasTechnology` for indicating how technologies are used i.e. how is something implemented or executed. This is distinct from other concepts which only model the _conceptual expression_ rather than the practical implementation of how it is achieved i.e. the technology. For example, processing concept dpv:Collect has implementation technology 'Camera' or 'Form on a website', where these are distinct from the _location_ in the semantic sense i.e. 'on device' or 'url of website'. Similarly, a 'technical and organisational measure' represents a _conceptual notation_ for expressing something in the abstract. For example, 'Encryption' as a broad category of data transformations providing security, which can be implemented using a specific filesystem or software - i.e. the implementation technology. In cases where the broad concept is not sufficient and must be further described in terms of how it is implemented, the technology extention will provide concepts for such descriptions. This is useful to describe practical aspects of data processing, such as tools and software, and also the roles of actors involved. For example, to describe processing takes place on servers utilising the AWS service, there needs to be a distinction between what category of processing from the underlying implementations. This is important since in theory the same processing will continue while the providers change. Though these relations are all lumped as Data Processors within GDPR (and sometimes as Joint Controllers depending on context), these 'roles' regarding technologies are important for future reglations i.e. DSA, DGA, AI Act, and so on. Therefore, this proposal also tries to be forward looking. ------------------------- #2 Top concepts ------------------------- The top concepts for 'Technology' are as below. They relate to technologies that relate to (i) Data - this is generalised from personal data so as to not restrict the definition and permit reuse in other contexts; (ii) Operational - this relates to operations or processes - however the term operational is preferred so as to not confuse "process" here with "processing"; (iii) Security - this relates to any kind of security rather than just that of data; (iv) Management - similar to security this relates to any kind of management; (v) ID - identification, identity, or identifier related technologies which are a special concept because of their important and sensitivity; (vi) Surveillance - similar to ID these are of particular interest. Concept: DataTechnology Parent: dpv:Technology Technology that uses or interacts with data Concept: OperationalTechnology Parent: dpv:Technology Technology that enables or performs or executes operations and processes Concept: SecurityTechnology Parent: dpv:Technology Technology that enables or provides security Concept: ManagementTechnology Parent: dpv:Technology Technology that enables or provides management Concept: IDTechnology Parent: dpv:Technology Technology related to identity or identifiers Concept: SurveillanceTechnology Parent: dpv:Technology Technology related to surveillance of individuals or people ------------------------- #3 Data Technologies ------------------------- The data technologies are mapped onto Processing concepts within DPV in a 1:1 form i.e. for each DPV concept, there would be a corresponding Technology concept for implementation that processing operation. Below are the top concepts in processing expressed as technologies. Note the additional "management technology" concept added to all top concepts in technology. Concept: DataCopyingTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:DataTechnology Technology related to copying data Concept: DataDisclosureTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:DataTechnology Technology related to disclosing data Concept: DataObtainTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:DataTechnology Technology related to obtain data Concept: DataOrganiseTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:DataTechnology Technology realted to organising data Concept: DataRemovalTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:DataTechnology Technology related to removing data Concept: DataStorageTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:DataTechnology Technology related to storing data Concept: DataTransferTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:DataTechnology Technology related to transfering data Concept: DataTransformTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:DataTechnology Technology related to transforming data Concept: DataUseTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:DataTechnology Technology related to using data Concept: DataSecurityTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:DataTechnology,dpv-tech:SecurityTechnology Technology related to security of data Concept: DataManagementTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:DataTechnology,dpv-tech:ManagementTechnology Technology related to management of data ------------------------- #4 Operational Technologies ------------------------- These are technologies where processing or activities or operations or executions happen or are performed or enabled. This is the technical definition of "processing" in its strictest (engineering) term. Top concepts here refer to: (i) environment (where the processing takes place, for example the operating system or container); (ii) devices as equipments; (iii) management of operations (e.g. kernels); (iv) application - software or a process; (v) operational management - alternative label for management. Concept: OperationalEnvironment Parent: dpv-tech:OperationalTechnology Technology that provides an environment for operations to be executed Concept: OperationalDevice Parent: dpv-tech:OperationalTechnology Technology that acts as an equipment or mechanism for operations Concept: OperationalManagement Parent: dpv-tech:OperationalTechnology Technology that manages operations Concept: Application Parent: dpv-tech:OperationalTechnology A computing or digital program Concept: OperationsManagementTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:OperationalTechnology,dpv-tech:ManagementTechnology Technology related to management of operations (alt label) ------------------------- #5 Security Technologies ------------------------- The top concepts here refer to three concepts related to security: (i) PET - privacy enhacing technologies; (ii) Vulnerabilities - How to detect, prevent, mitigate, and monitor for them; and (iii) Vulnerability Exploitation and its detection, prevention, mitigation, and monitoring. The (ii) and (iii) in above reprsent typical stages in risk management, except there is no modelling of threats, risks, and threat actors, but instead focus on risk sources (vulnerabilities), and their consequences (exploitations). Concept: PET Parent: dpv-tech:SecurityTechnology Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) that provide minimisation or security related to data and privacy Concept: VulnerabilityDetection Parent: dpv-tech:SecurityTechnology Technology related to vulnerability detection Concept: VulnerabilityPrevention Parent: dpv-tech:SecurityTechnology Technology related to vulnerability prevention Concept: VulnerabilityMitigation Parent: dpv-tech:SecurityTechnology Technology related to vulnerability mitigation Concept: VulnerabilityMonitoring Parent: dpv-tech:SecurityTechnology Technology related to vulnerability monitoring Concept: VulnerabilityExploitationDetection Parent: dpv-tech:SecurityTechnology Technology related to vulnerability exploitation detection Concept: VulnerabilityExploitationPrevention Parent: dpv-tech:SecurityTechnology Technology related to vulnerability exploitation prevention Concept: VulnerabilityExploitationMitigation Parent: dpv-tech:SecurityTechnology Technology related to vulnerability exploitation mitigation Concept: VulnerabilityExploitationMonitoring Parent: dpv-tech:SecurityTechnology Technology related to vulnerability exploitation monitoring Concept: SecurityManagementTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:SecurityTechnology,dpv-tech:ManagementTechnology Technology related to management of security ------------------------- #6 Provision of Technology ------------------------- Here, provision refers to how that technology is utilised or provided in terms of a model of use. Things such as products, subscriptions, algorithms, etc. are modelled under this concept. Concept: TechnologyProvisionMethod Parent: dpv:Concept Method associated with provision or use of technology Concept: hasProvisionMethod Parent: Specifies the provision or usage method of technology Concept: FixedUse Parent: dpv-tech:TechnologyProvisionMethod Technology that can be used a fixed numner of times Concept: Subscription Parent: dpv-tech:TechnologyProvisionMethod Technology that is provided or used as a periodic subscription Concept: Product Parent: dpv-tech:TechnologyProvisionMethod Technology that is provided as a product Concept: Goods Parent: dpv-tech:TechnologyProvisionMethod Technology provided or used as goods Concept: Services Parent: dpv-tech:TechnologyProvisionMethod Technology provided or used as services Concept: Algorithmic Parent: dpv-tech:TechnologyProvisionMethod Technology provided as an algorithm or method Concept: System Parent: Technology provided as a system Concept: Component Parent: Technology provided as a component ------------------------- #7 Actors ------------------------- Actor is an Entity with a specific Role. In DPV, we use Entity since there can be multiple roles. However, in technology, the term Actor would be preferable since we utilise specific roles in context to the technology being modelled. If this is confusing or better to be consistent with DPV, we can change this back to Entity. The Actors below represent different roles associated with how technology is developed and used. It reflects a simplification of the roles defined in the AI Act. The concept "user" can have different connotations depending on how it is used. For example, a technology user could refer to someone who operates it. A "subject" would be someone who the technology is applied on. For example, on a immigration system at a border, the immigration officer would be user and the person entering/leaving would be the subject. Concept: TechnologyActor Parent: dpv:Entity Actors and Entities involved in provision, use, and management of Technology Concept: TechnologyProvider Parent: dpv-tech:TechnologyActor Actor that provides Technology Concept: hasProvider Parent: dpv:hasEntity Indicates technology provider Concept: TechnologyDeveloper Parent: dpv-tech:TechnologyActor Actor that develops Technology Concept: hasDeveloper Parent: dpv:hasEntity Indicates technology developer Concept: TechnologyUser Parent: dpv-tech:TechnologyActor Actor that uses Technologoy Concept: hasUser Parent: dpv:hasEntity Indicates technology user Concept: TechnologySubject Parent: dpv-tech:TechnologyActor Actor that is subject of use of Technology Concept: hasSubject Parent: dpv:hasEntity Indicates technology subject ------------------------- #8 Location ------------------------- We already have `dpv:Location` as the concept which can be reused here. To provide more specific forms of locations, such as "on device" and "on a server", it would be better to provide them within main DPV as they also are useful for expressing locations of other concepts. Some examples include: LocationFixture, FixedLocation, FixedSingularLocation, FixedMultipleLocations, VariableLocation, FederatedLocations, DecentralisedLocations, RandomLocation, LocationLocality, LocalLocation, RemoteLocation, WithinDevice, CloudLocation, ServerLocation, ServerlessLocation If the location of technology is to be explicitly defined, then the concept would be modelled as follows: Concept: TechnologyUsageLocation Parent: dpv:Location Location for where technology is provided or used Concept: hasLocation Parent: dpv:hasLocation Indicates location of technology usage or provision ------------------------- #9 Communications ------------------------- Communication is important to express how technologies send and receive data. These are modelled as a separate concept from Technology. Concept: CommunicationMechanism Parent: dpv:Concept Communication mechanism used or provided by Technologoy Concept: hasCommunicationMechanism Parent: Indicates communication mechanisms used or provided by technology Concept: Networking Parent: dpv-tech:CommunicationMechanism Technology utilising networking communication Concept: LocalNetwork Parent: dpv-tech:Networking Technology utilising local networking communication Concept: Internet Parent: dpv-tech:Networking Technology utilising internet communication Concept: WiFi Parent: dpv-tech:Networking Technology utilising wifi wireless networking communication Concept: Bluetooth Parent: dpv-tech:Networking Technology utilising bluetooth communication Concept: CellularNetwork Parent: dpv-tech:Networking Technology utilising cellular networking communication Concept: GPS Parent: dpv-tech:CommunicationMechanism Technology utilising GPS communication ------------------------- #10 Maturity / Innovativeness ------------------------- This concept relates to how proven a technology is, or whether it represents something that is untested or is innovative and new. These are relevant since they raise specific concerns regarding risks and impacts. Rather than defining new qualitative terms, we can reuse existing ones such as the TRL which indicates "maturity" of technology in terms of what stage of development and use it is. There is an ISO standard defining such levels. Concept: TechnologyReadinessLevel Parent: dpv:Technology Indication of maturity of Technology (ISO 16290:2013) Concept: hasTRL Parent: Indicates technology maturity level ------------------------- #11 Discussed Concepts ------------------------- The below are some concepts which we discussed in the previous meetings. These are provided here with their parent concept to see whether the structure makes sense and to identify limitations/lapses. Concept: Database Parent: dpv-tech:DataStorageTechnology A database, database management system (DBMS), or application database Concept: Cookie Parent: dpv-tech:LocalStorage A HTTP or web or internet cookie Concept: FileSystem Parent: dpv-tech:DataStorageTechnology A data storage and retrieval interface provided by an operating system Concept: LocalStorage Parent: dpv-tech:DataStorageTechnology Data stored 'locally' within a context Concept: DeviceStorage Parent: dpv-tech:LocalStorage Data stored 'on device' as in in the device's storage Concept: ApplicationStorage Parent: dpv-tech:LocalStorage Data stored 'in app' as in within the application's storage Concept: RemoteStorage Parent: dpv-tech:DataStorageTechnology Data stored 'remotely' i.e. not locally within a context Concept: CloudStorage Parent: dpv-tech:RemoteStorage Data stored 'on cloud' i.e. internet-based access to data Concept: ServerStorage Parent: dpv-tech:CloudStorage Data stored on a server i.e. a remote cloud-based storage mechanism Concept: SmartphoneApplication Parent: dpv-tech:Application A computing or digital program on a smartphone device Concept: DigitalService Parent: dpv-tech:Service A service that is provided digitally Concept: OnlineService Parent: dpv-tech:Service A service that is provided through or based on internet i.e. online connectivity Concept: TrackingCookie Parent: dpv-tech:SurveillanceTechnology,dpv-tech:Cookie Cookies used for tracking Concept: TrackingPixel Parent: dpv-tech:SurveillanceTechnology Pixels or web beacons or similar techniques used for tracking Concept: PIMS Parent: dpv-tech:DataManagementTechnology system that helps to give individuals more control over their personal data by managing their personal data in secure, on-premises or online storage systems and sharing it when and with whomever they choose Concept: PersonalDataStore Parent: dpv-tech:DataStorageTechnology,dpv-tech:DataManagementTechnology (Q: service OR data manegement system) that lets an individual store, manage and deploy their personal data Concept: IdentityManagementTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:IDTechnology,dpv-tech:ManagementTechnology Technologies providing identity provision, verification, management, and governance Concept: IdentityWallet Parent: dpv-tech:IdentityManagementTechnology,dpv-tech:DataStorageTechnology product and service that allows the user to store identity data, credentials and attributes linked to her/his identity, to provide them to relying parties on request and to use them for authentication, online and offline, and to create qualified electronic signatures and seals Concept: OvertSurveillanceTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:SurveillanceTechnology Surveillance that is overt i.e. visible or apparent or explicit Concept: CovertSurveillanceTechnology Parent: dpv-tech:SurveillanceTechnology Surveillance that is covert i.e. invisible or non-apparent or implicit ------------------------- Regards, -- --- Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D Research Fellow ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin https://harshp.com/
- text/csv attachment: technology.csv
Received on Saturday, 28 May 2022 11:57:26 UTC