Re: Proposal for concepts representing Technologies

Hi. Thank you for the proposals. My comments are inline.

On 30/03/2022 11:47, wrote:
> Term: Personal Information Management System - PIMS (based on this 
> source 
> <>)
> Description: system that helps to give individuals more control over 
> their personal data by managing their personal data in secure, 
> on-premises or online storage systems and sharing it when and with 
> whomever they choose
> Parent term: DataStorageTechnology ?

This a complex category of technoloy because they can be utilised in 
several different contexts to manage data (e.g. locally, online, on 
device). I propose to have such under Data Management Technology to 
reflect their broad goals.

Data Storage Technology refers to what is used to store data, which PIMS 
don't necessarily do - they do definitely manage data though.

> -
> Term: Personal Data Store
> Description: service that lets an individual store, manage and deploy 
> their personal data
> Parent term: PIMS

PIMS + DataStorage ?

> -
> Term: Identity Wallet (based on the EIDAS amendment 
> <>)
> Description: product and service that allows the user to store identity 
> data, credentials and attributes linked to her/his identity, to provide 
> them to relying parties on request and to use them for authentication, 
> online and offline, and to create qualified electronic signatures and seals
> Parent term: PIMS

Note that Identity Wallet/Management is not necessarily a PIMS, e.g. if 
controlled by another party. I would propose 
IdentityManagementTechnology as a category, and have Identity Wallet be 
a combination of this and DataStorage. The eIDAS 2 idea of Wallet is 
Identity Wallet + PIMS.


Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Research Fellow
ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2022 23:58:42 UTC