- From: <besteves@delicias.dia.fi.upm.es>
- Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 11:13:22 +0000
- To: public-dpvcg@w3.org
- Cc:
- Message-ID: <20220330111322.Horde.PRro4jr37AK4RfwEp2ePGRi@delicias.dia.fi.upm.es>
Hi all, I was recently given a challenge to represent the data of personal addresses using DPV-PD. Has anyone done it? Under dpv-pd:Contact we have dpv-pd:EmailAddress, dpv-pd:PhysicalAddress and dpv-pd:TelephoneNumber and under dpv-pd:Location we have dpv-pd:Country, dpv-pd:GPSCoordinate and dpv-pd:RoomNumber. Let's say that we want to model a person with 2 addresses - a primary residence and a vacation one. Probably under dpv-pd:Location we could also add at least Street, Locality and PostalCode. I started modeling it as follows: @prefix dpv: <https://www.w3id.org/dpv#> . @prefix dpv-pd: <https://www.w3id.org/dpv/dpv-pd> . @prefix v: <http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . :beatriz dpv:hasAddress :primaryAddress, :vacationAddress . :primary-address a dpv-pd:PhysicalAddress ; dpv:hasLocation :primaryAddressLocation . :primaryAddressLocation a dpv-pd:Location ; v:street-address [ a dpv-pd:Street ; rdfs:label "Calle A" ] ; v:postal-code [ a dpv-pd:PostalCode ; rdfs:label "28500" ] ; v:locality [ a dpv-pd:Locality ; rdfs:label "Madrid" ] ; v:country-name [ a dpv-pd:Country ; rdfs:label "Spain" ] . And then do something similar for :vacationAddress. Are there any suggestions on how to approach this problem? Best, Beatriz
Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2022 11:13:39 UTC