Proposal for representing Consequences, Impacts, Benefits

As discussed in previous meeting [1] in the context of specifying 
benefits and beneficiary, following is my proposal. Please indicate your 
opinions on this by replying to this email. We will discuss the comments 
received in next meeting.

Consequence is a general concept referring to the outcome or effect of 
some action or operation. E.g. Success, Failure, Event.
Impact is a specific type of consequence with a stronger notion of 
influence, change, or effect on something. E.g. Benefit, Detriment, Harm

Personal Data breach is an event, whose consequence is data being 
leaked, which then has an impact on data subjects in terms of potential 
identity theft, scams, and so on.

In Risk Management, this distinction has the benefit of being able to 
specify how the consequence and impacts are addressed with controls 
before and after they occur.

For example, strong access controls and security measures prevent data 
leaks (pre-consequence). Encryption and data obfuscation/separation 
prevents readily using that data (post-consequence). Alerting users 
about data leaks prevents harms (pre-impact). Creating dedicated contact 
points to reverse/minimise harms (post-impact).

 From this, the pattern to use is:

concepts: Consequence (existing in DPV), Impact
properties: hasConsequence (inverse: isConsequenceFrom), hasImpact 
(inverse: isImpactFrom), hasEffectOn


ex:PersonalDataBreach a prov:Activity, dpv:Risk ;  # some event
   dpv:hasConsequence ex:DataLeak ;
   dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure ex:AccessControlMethod ;
   dpv:hasEffectOn ex:Users .

ex:DataLeak a dpv:Consequence, dpv:Risk ;
   dpv:isConsequenceFrom ex:PersonalDataBreach ;
   dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure ex:AccessControlMethod ;
   dpv:hasImpact ex:PotentialIdentityTheft, ex:PotentialScams .

ex:PotentialIdentityTheft a dpv:Impact, dpv:Risk ;
   dpv:isImpactFrom ex:DataLeak ;
   dpv:hasEffectOn ex:Users ;
   dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure ex:DataBreachNotifications, 
dpv:EncryptionInRest .

ex:PotentialScams a dpv:Impact, dpv:Risk ;
   dpv:isImpactFrom ex:DataLeak ;
   dpv:hasEffectOn ex:Users ;
   dpv:isMitigatedByMeasure ex:DataBreachNotifications, 
dpv:EncryptionInRest .


P.S. More 'advanced' risk management concepts such as likelihoods, risk 
scores, risk records, etc. are invited as an extension / separate 
vocabulary. Consequence and Impact are relevant to several DPV concepts 
e.g. impact assessments, and legitimate interest assessments - which is 
why they are proposed for inclusion in main DPV.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Research Fellow
ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

Received on Thursday, 17 March 2022 17:41:10 UTC