DPV usage samples / intended instances for the Personal Data Category (sub) classes

Hello DPV working group, 

we are currently working on a GDPR Demo use case on top of dev / dpv-gdpr. In the process and evaluating and refining our initial draft we wondered about your intended usage of the Personal Data Category class-tree. What would you expect to be instances of these classes? How would you see the linkage to actual resources. 

The resources in our use case are (mainly office) files / documents (on local and share drives). These shall be classified and categorized. Here the DPV categories come in handy. However using <Resource> -- dpv:hasPersonalDataCategory --> PersonalDataCategory/* as indicated in https://w3c.github.io/dpv/dpv/#vocab-personal-data-categories seams „strange“ as „intuitively“ we would like to link to an instance rather then to a class.

We see two practical ways forward: 1) turn the PersonalDataCategories tree into a (skos) Taxonomy ( https://github.com/w3c/dpv/issues/8 ) and/or 2) annotate the PersonalDataCategories as owl:NamedIndividuals. In the end both seam odd to us as we would like to be able to use dpv as is without the need to alter or enrich it in order to start using it. Thus, we would like to understand how you are using / applying it… 

Thank you and best, 



Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards
René Pietzsch

eccenca GmbH
mobile +49 172 6940 915

Received on Tuesday, 19 October 2021 07:34:32 UTC