Agenda for call scheduled DEC-01

Hello, Please see below the agenda and call details.
Reply to this thread to add items on the agenda.

--------- CALL ---------
WEDNESDAY DEC-01 13:00 WET (Dublin, London) / 14:00 CET (Berlin, Vienna, 
Madrid, Rome)

Dial in info: 
Meeting link shared on the internal (members-only) mailing list. For 
non-members, please request the link to me or a member.

Past minutes and list of calls:

--------- AGENDA ---------

1. Seminar (20mins + 10mins Q&A) by Fajar Ekaputra on their use of DPV 
in the WellFort project

2. DataSubject subclasses
3. Modelling of benefits and detriments
4. Representing optionality of personal data and other concepts
5. data sources
6. jurisdictions
7. AOB

Harshvardhan J. Pandit, Ph.D
Research Fellow
ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

Received on Monday, 29 November 2021 11:13:48 UTC