- From: Mark Lizar <mark@openconsent.com>
- Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2021 19:55:43 +0000
- To: "besteves@delicias.dia.fi.upm.es" <besteves@delicias.dia.fi.upm.es>
- CC: Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group <public-dpvcg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <D70B6400-140C-46EC-B5D9-D1D14ACA756F@openconsent.com>
HI, HI Beatriz, I am very glad you asked Thank you, - I have prepared an invitation. Here is the info for this week. International Data Privacy Day 01-28-21 [cid:9C3FA5ED-A6BE-4D76-95C5-42A101568C23@utopia.net] Hello Community Collectives, We are very excited to invite you to check out the launch of the Kantara ANCR WG next week. This WG aims to work on the next generation of the consent receipt work and invite experts (from the edge) to come in from the cold. Starting with an intro to all stack of efforts and contributions aiming to be interoperable with decentralized data governance. (First - Thank you Kantara LC and Community for hosting this WG) Finally, consent has become enforceable! The consent receipt was adopted by ISO SC 27 in April 2020 for a 'consent record information structure' (ISO 27560) and Referenced in ISO 29184 Appendix, as a Consent Notice Receipt. We aim to contribute contributing to this work stream, with Consent Receipt v1.2 for explicit consent, and continue forward from where we left off. With WG activities focusing soon on the V2, which will cover notice, notifications and notice receipts. To get things rolling: 1. You are invited to the first workgroup session for a look at the stack of standards and specifications this WG aims to support to be/make interoperability. - Kantara ANCR WG on Thursday Jan 28th, International Data Privacy Day. 8:45 am Sign Up is Here<https://openconsent.com/> (until Wiki is Ready at Kantara) 2. You are all invited to Saturday’s Computational Legal Data Privacy Hackathon<https://github.com/OpenConsent/Jan28-2021_Data-Privacy-Legal-Hackathon/wiki> (DPLH) Workshop To celebrate his year we aim to get a bit more organized and catapult our fringe Hackathons in computational privacy law mainstream industry, to support a stack of specifications and standards usable to decentralize data governance. . This years focus is on finding the popular topics, sharing projects and planning a few more - decentralized hack work shops - 3. We are looking for volunteer’s, is there anyone interested in supporting this effort with a little bit of elbow grease, we are looking for a WG Secretary and a Hackathon Workshop Assistant. (Please get in touch) See you Thursday, ANCR WG Chairs Mark Lizar, Sal D”Agostino, Vitor Jesus ***** PS Un-Official Back Channel 3. .Matrix.org<http://matrix.org/> - Decentralized Social Network : Room - ANCR - @ancr:matrix.org<http://matrix.org/> (Instructions<https://matrix.to/#/!ICricciBdTzxZrNirA:matrix.org?via=matrix.org>) with others like Human Colossus and Fair Data Society - share your matrix room On Jan 26, 2021, at 5:32 AM, besteves@delicias.dia.fi.upm.es<mailto:besteves@delicias.dia.fi.upm.es> wrote: Dear Mark, Thank you for sharing this within the CG, it seems very interesting and aligned with the main goals of the DPVCG. I am available to present DPV if there is no objections. Can I ask what is the format of the presentation and how much time it is supposed to be? Best regards, Beatriz Esteves PhD Researcher Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) https://besteves4.github.io/ "Mark Lizar" mark@openconsent.com – January 26, 2021 12:25 AM Hello DPV, We are happy to announce that the Kantara ANCR WG is launching on Privacy Day to continue you the Consent Receipt work. (See invite/web page) As Harsh is not available, we are looking for a volunteer. In which Harsh has a great presentation already, if this would be of use? The focus of the launch is to promote the stack of interoperable standards and specification efforts for decentralizing data governance in an identity management centric community. The ANCR WG aims to promote the DPVC V0.02 for standardized legal vocabulary as it is very much needed to fill in the Notice and Consent Receipt record format at. With this in mind, would anyone like to present on the power of standardized semantics, and its computational use? (If so pls get in touch) (the session is between 10:00 and 11:30 Edt on Thursday Kind Regards, Mark
Received on Tuesday, 26 January 2021 19:55:59 UTC