Re: A notation for expressing frequency of data collection

Should this foresee the option for manual/triggered/on demand sync? Such that exchange happens only when triggered?
From: Railean, Alexander <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 1:16:12 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: A notation for expressing frequency of data collection


> Proposal: can this be represented using a "hasFrequency" property?

It makes sense, but there's a catch - event driven logic.

In my original suggestion with discrete values for an enum, I mistyped the last entry, I meant `on demand`.

Imagine a system that sends a push notification when a person with sleep apnea starts choking. This is not a deterministic event that occurs with a set  frequency, it can be "many times per hour" or "a few times per day".

Thus, the notation needs to be a bit more flexible to accommodate this case..


From: Harshvardhan J. Pandit <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 12:26
To: Railean, Alexander;
Subject: Re: A notation for expressing frequency of data collection

Hello. Thanks for bringing this up.

Considering that this is intended to represent how 'often' the
processing takes place (collection, storage, processing), it also has
application for how often the tech-org measures take place (deletion,

I think both can be represented using the frequency property, with some
value as a temporal period or annotation.

Received on Tuesday, 5 January 2021 12:26:30 UTC