DPV support in rdf-vocabularies JavaScript package

Hello, DPV Community.

rdf-vocabularies [1] is a nifty open-source JavaScript package and CLI tool, which can be used with Node.js and browsers. The package ships N-Quads of various popular ontologies/vocabularies [2] and works offline. These N-Quads are usable for other programming languages as well. The library natively supports expanding prefixes, shrinking IRIs, and programmatically accessing the terms. The recent release of the library has support for DPV [3].

Building autocompletion for interfaces, using with scripts, validating terms, etc. are some of the use cases.

One of the publicly accessible demonstrations of the package is "Zazuko RDF Terms Resolver" [4] and its public API [5], which now supports DPV [6].

[1] https://github.com/zazuko/rdf-vocabularies/
[2] https://github.com/zazuko/rdf-vocabularies/tree/master/ontologies
[3] https://github.com/zazuko/rdf-vocabularies/releases/tag/v2021.2.8
[4] https://prefix.zazuko.com/
[5] https://prefix.zazuko.com/api
[6] https://prefix.zazuko.com/prefix/dpv

Received on Saturday, 20 February 2021 14:19:02 UTC