Re: ISO/IEC 29184 is published

I agree - my point was to compare and ensure DPV provides a sufficient 
vocabulary to express privacy/consent notices online based on the 
ISO/IEC 29184.

To clarify: in no shape or form am I suggesting we adopt or develop a 
paid/closed standard, but instead work towards using DPV for 
implementing an existing standard (29184).

For example, ISO/IEC 29184 suggests possible use of machine-readable 
policies - which we can consider as an use-case for DPV.


On 10/06/2020 10:08, Georg Philip Krog wrote:
> Thanks for this Harsh!
> W3C should be careful not to develop a standard that would depend on a 
> license permission from ISO.
> Speaking for myself and for Signatu: I would be hesitant to contribute 
> to a standard that I afterwards would have to pay to use ...
> Best regards,
> Georg
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 4:40 PM Harshvardhan J. Pandit < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Dear All,
>     ISO/IEC 29184 concerns "content and the structure of online privacy
>     notices as well as the process of asking for consent to collect and
>     process personally identifiable information (PII) from PII Principals"
>     Some preliminary observations:
>     1) It uses ISO/IEC terminology, specifically that from ISO/IEC 24760
>     2) It concerns notices shown during consent interactions online
>     3) Involves terminology regarding purposes, processing, etc. without
>     specification to any individual laws/regulations
>     4) Provides a description of workflow/dataflow/processes involved in
>     the
>     online notice-and-consent mechanism ; including changes to it
>     5) Annex A contains examples of interfaces
>     6) Annex B provides example of consent receipt
>     I *strongly* propose incorporating the standard and its implications
>     within the DPVCG - in particular for DPV and establishing how it can
>     best provide vocabularies compatible with the standard.
>     Regards,
>     -- 
>     ---
>     Harshvardhan Pandit, Ph.D
>     Researcher at ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin
> -- 
> Georg Philip Krog
> signatu <>

Harshvardhan Pandit, Ph.D
Researcher at ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

Received on Wednesday, 10 June 2020 09:51:25 UTC