Github repo to collect use-cases and user-stories

Dear All,
We now have a Github repository to 
collect use-cases and user-stories.
In line with the primer (in development), this is an effort towards 
inviting more participation and input from the wider community.

Towards these, I am requesting all community members to:
1) Contribute to the use-cases/user-stories by adding new issues or 
commenting on existing ones in the repository issues
2) Inviting others to contribute to this effort

I have tweeted about this at
You can RT, tweet/comment or use its text -
"""The W3C Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls CG (DPVCG) invites 
use-cases/user-stories to assist in 
building the Data Privacy Vocabulary for describing 
personal data processing. Please RT and share."""

I also think we can share this on other mailing lists - e.g. semantic 
web mailing list.


Harshvardhan J. Pandit, PhD
ADAPT Research Centre @ Trinity College Dublin

Received on Tuesday, 21 July 2020 13:36:50 UTC