Re: agenda for tomorrow's DPVCG call

Am 28.10.2019 um 16:57 schrieb Axel Polleres:
> Please try to address mail about the progress of your own actions before the call!

Here the progress report for my actions:

ACTION-130 Discuss with eva to start a use case document?

* Eva and Harald have discussed the issue and identified a suitable 
scenario (online shopping) [done]

* Eva has written a one pager about it that includes an informal 
discussion of the legal bases [done]

* Bud and Eva plan to write an extended document that is more suitable 
to be used to illustate also the other aspects (besides legal basis). 
This document is expected to also treat purposes in an informal way. 
[planned to be complete by the end of the week or early next week]

This latter step would close the Action from our point of view but may 
trigger followup actions assigned to others.

ACTION-132 Bud and Eva will try to come up with partial state-transition 
diagrams to illustrate the interdependencies of data subject rights by 
the end of november.

* Bud has created a first draft of four diagrams. [done]

* Eva has provided initial legal feedback. [done]

* Bud has started with a second version of the diagrams embedded in a 
paper.  Current status of the paper: The first diagram is completed as 
graphics but still without explaining text.  Other three diagrams yet to 
be done.  [Completion is planned for the end of next week, if the legal 
feedback requires only minor changes].


Bud P. Bruegger, Dipl.-Ing. (ETH), Ph.D. (University of Maine), +49 431 988-1217
Research Department, Unabhaengiges Landeszentrum fuer Datenschutz (ULD)
Holstenstraße 98, 24103 Kiel,

ULD is the office of the Data Protection Supervisory Authority of
Schleswig-Holstein. Information about the processing of personal data
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Except where explicitly stated otherwise, views and opinions expressed
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the Data Protection Supervisory Authority of Schleswig-Holstein.

Received on Tuesday, 29 October 2019 14:47:06 UTC