some more comments on the paper drtaft and spec

While Harsh and myself are working on the paper draft for ODBASE (again, 
feel free to also comment/help),
I was reading over the spec text for personal data categories again, 
where it says:

"We therefore suggest to declare the specific context as an instance of 
one or several dpv:Purpose categories and to always declare the specific 
purpose with a human readable description (e.g., by using rdfs:label and 

I think this is wrong, because it is not an instance, but a subclass. I 
reformulated that whole paragraph in the paper draft (but not yet in the 

"DPV provides a list of suggested purposes which may be extended
as shown in Listing ~\ref{lst:purpose-example} by subclassing existing 
purposes to create more specific ones: as regulations such as the GDPR 
generally require a specific purpose to be declared in an understandable 
manner, we suggest to such declare specific purposes as subclasses of 
one or several \texttt{dpv:Purpose} categories and to always declare the 
specific purpose with a human readable description (e.g., by using 
\texttt{rdfs:label} and \texttt{rdfs:comment})."

This should also be changed in the spec.

Likewise, the example in Listing 2 (Example 2 in the spec) uses 
instantiation instead of subclassing...

:SomePurpose a dpv:Purpose ;
       rdfs:label “Some Purpose” ;
       dpv:hasSector dpv-nace:M72 .

Isn't that also an error and should be subclassing?


Received on Thursday, 25 July 2019 12:18:01 UTC