Re: Adopters of DPV

Hi Rudy,

Signatu is a Cloud SaaS.

Signatu consists of:

   - an API for websites/apps to integrate with Signatu and register
   consent events in order to record and demonstrate consent and build a
   consent event history.
   - a Data Processing Specification tool to specify a complete consent
   request (or specification for other legal basis). Each specification has a
   unique version.
   - Each specification can be integrated into:
      - a consent dialogue (opt-in model) presented to end users
      - a legitimate interest (opt-out model) presented to end users
      - a privacy policy presented to end users (each policy has a unique

The integration of the same text into e.g. a consent request and a privacy
policy ensures that both documents/statements have the same text.

Signatu also has a tool (Trackerdetect) to automatically detect cookies and
3rd party recipients´ remote resources used on websites. The cookies and
resources are mapped to a data base of 3rd parties that has information
that is included in the Data Processing Specification together with the
resources used on each URL.

Hence, we distinguish between on the one hand, information as a property of
the website/app recipient, and on the other hand, information as a property
of the 3rd party recipient.

We have a number of additional fields to make a full data processing record..

All the best,

On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 2:53 PM JACOB Rudy (GST/CMI) <> wrote:

> Dear Georg,
> As industry partner Proximus, we also implemented (or better said)
> referred to the DPV. We had a few keywords added (thanks Harsh!).
> We would be curious how you have implemented (or referred to) the DPV. I
> added in cc Philip Raschke from TUB Berlin, who researched the front end
> representation of the consent request.
> The results of our use case have been compiled and published online here
> (pages 9 to 26), in particular page 17 and 20:
> Kind regards,
> *Rudy JACOB *| +32 (0)2 202 31 78
> Business Program Manager Innovation | GST-CMI
> *From:* Georg Philip Krog <>
> *Sent:* 18 December 2019 14:24
> *To:* Axel Polleres <>;;
> *Subject:* Adopters of DPV
> Dear Axel and Rob,
> Signatu
> <>
> has adopted the DPV in its Data Processing Specification tool.
> This tool is used to generate consent request statements including for
> cookies and for 3rd parties/Trackers that use remote resources on websites.
> We would like to demonstrate to the group our adoption of the DPV and show
> problem areas and areas for improvements and additions, especially for
> online activities that involve using 3rd parties/Trackers on websites.
> I have joined the W3C group.
> Best regards,
> Georg
> --
> Georg Philip Krog
> signatu
> <>
> Sensitivity: Internal Use Only
> This e-mail cannot be used for other purposes than Proximus business use.
> See more on

Georg Philip Krog

signatu <>

Received on Wednesday, 18 December 2019 14:27:53 UTC