Competency Questions for Consent

Dear All,
The following are a set of 'competency questions' regarding consent, 
following the discussion in the last telecall.

1. Who is the consent about? i.e. the Data Subject
2. Who is the consent given to? i.e. collecting organisation or Data 
3. Who gave the consent? i.e. the entity that gave consent, could be 
another person on behalf of the Data Subject
4. What was the consent about? i.e the Personal Data
5. What purposes are covered by consent for the specified personal data?
6. What actions are permitted by consent for the specified purposes over 
the specified personal data? i.e. collect, use, share
7. When was the consent obtained? i.e. timestamp
8. Where was the consent obtained? i.e. location
9. How was the consent obtained? i.e. medium
10. Does this consent modify or revoke a previously given consent?
11. What is the status of consent? i.e. unnkown, not given, requested, 
explicitly given
12. When does this consent expire? i.e. timestamp

Additional questions that I am not sure should be included as properties 
of consent:
13. Is the consent for a Minor?
14. Is the consent for Sensitive Personal Data?

Harshvardhan J. Pandit
PhD Researcher
ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin

Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2018 01:37:18 UTC